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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé Shriver.

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Lionel Shriver: L'obsession

par Lionel Shriver, publié le 15/09/2015

article.png Ce texte original de l'auteur de "We Need to Talk about Kevin" a été écrit dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman 2015.

Big Brother - A conversation with Lionel Shriver

par Lionel Shriver, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/06/2015

type-video.png entretien.png The author of numerous novels, she won the Orange Prize for We Need to Talk About Kevin, adapted for the screen in 2011 by Lynne Ramsay. Her sarcastic flair is evident in Big Brother: Pandora, a highly successful businesswoman who hasn’t seen her brother—a seductive, boastful, jazz prodigy—in five years finds him obese, neglected, and compulsive. Lionel Shriver provides a keen analysis of our neurotic relationship with food and the alarming increase in obesity in our societies.