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French Toast, Fatherhood and Fallibility in Kramer vs Kramer (1979)

par Elsa Benamouzig, publié le 17/12/2023

article.png In 1979, Robert Benton’s film Kramer vs Kramer set a new path for family dramas in Hollywood. The acclaimed movie follows the journey of Ted Kramer from absent to great father as a single dad, including a portrayal of his failures and vulnerabilities. His divorce and unusual position as the main care-taker of his child changed the perception of the father’s role not only in the movies, but also in American households.

For a public service of human augmentation

par Thierry Hoquet, publié le 04/01/2013

article.png Thinking about humanity begins with the myth of Epimetheus and Prometheus: forgotten during the distribution of efficient organs, humans remained naked. While Epimetheus gave claws to some, shells to others, speed or cunning to still others, humans were neglected and ended up the poorest of creatures. To help them provide for the necessities of life and to repair as best he could his brother’s fundamental and foundational omission, Prometheus came to the rescue.