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Il y a 3 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Le genre du "Refugee writing" : définitions et formes littéraires par Vanessa Guignery, Jaine Chemmachery, Cédric Courtois, publié le 25/01/2024
Cette page propose trois interventions sur le genre du "Refugee writing". Vanessa Guignery présente tout d'abord les modalités et définitions de ce genre, puis Jaine Chemmachery analyse les formes littéraires et intermédiales des Refugee Tales, inspirées des Canterbury Tales de Chaucer, et du projet "28 for 28". Enfin, Cédric Courtois se penche sur la forme de la nouvelle, qui a pu être qualifiée de "mineure" et que les autrices de son corpus ont choisie pour rendre compte d’expériences vécues par des personnes vulnérables et marginalisées.
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Experimental Life-Writing: From Roland Barthes to Digital Biography par Wojciech Drąg, publié le 16/03/2023
This talk examines a variety of instances of contemporary experimental life-writing – a critical category theorised by Irene Kacandes (2012) and Julia Novak (2017). After defining the notion and providing a brief historical overview of formally unconventional auto/biographies, Wojciech Drąg introduces his research project concerned with life-writing works that renounce a narrative structure in favour of an archive (or a database). He then proposes a classification of archival subgenres that have been particularly prominent in Anglophone and French auto/biographical literature since the 1970s. Based on their adopted system of arranging data, this talk differentiates between the bibliography (e.g., Rick Moody's Primary Sources), the encyclopedia (Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life), the glossary (Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes), the index (Joan Wickersham's The Suicide Index), the chronicle (Tan Lin’s BIB., Rev. Ed.), the social media archive (Matias Viegener’s 2500 Random Things About Me Too), the inventory (Claude Closky’s Mon Catalogue), the list (Joe Brainard's I Remember), the portfolio (Dana Teen Lomax's Disclosure), the computation (Gregory Burnham's Subtotals) and the digital database (David Clark's 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein).
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The Victorian Sensation Novel par Sophie Lemercier-Goddard, David Amigoni, publié le 02/05/2008
The sensation novel developed in Britain in the 1860s with Wilkie Collins as its most famous representative and has been increasingly presented as a sub-genre revealing the cultural anxiety of the Victorian period. Its complex narrative which relies on a tangle of mysteries and secrets introduces the character of the detective while heavily resorting to the Gothic machinery with the figure of the persecuted maiden and that of the villain.
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