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Il y a 4 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
The Gay Liberation Front and queer rights in the UK: a conversation with Jeffrey Weeks par Jeffrey Weeks, publié le 23/05/2019
Jeffrey Weeks is a gay activist and historian specialising in the history of sexuality. His work includes Socialism and the New Life (1977) and Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (1977). He was invited at the LGBT Centre in Lyon to talk about his latest book What is sexual history (2016), which has been translated in French and published by the Presses Universitaires de Lyon. The discussion was moderated by Quentin Zimmerman.
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Sonic Affinities par Jay Gottlieb, publié le 20/01/2012
En jouant, littéralement, avec la notion d'« affinités » et ses amples résonances, Jay Gottlieb a élaboré un programme constitué de morceaux des compositeurs desquels il se sent proche, en incorporant les relations variées que ces compositeurs ont avec leur matériau sonique.Il a créé, par exemple, une vaste sculpture de sons qui inclut des passages des dix symphonies de Mahler. Il jouera aussi des morceaux de Donatoni, qui montre comment les affinités peuvent être instables ; de Berio, qui joue brillamment avec le temps libre et le temps mesuré ; de Crumb, le transcendantaliste moderne américain, qui montre qu'il existe de l'unité dans la diversité ; d'Ohana, dont les contrepoints libres se déploient de manière organique et s'amalgament à loisir ; et de Mantovani enfin, qui, comme Mahler, allie la musique de concert la plus exigeante à des moments de pure exubérance. Literally playing with the notion of "affinities" with its vast resonances, Jay Gottlieb has constructed a program not only of works by composers with whom he feels a particular bond, but also incorporating the diverse relationships of the chosen composers with their sonic material. He created for instance a vast sound sculpture that incorporates moments from all of Malher's ten symphonies. He will also play pieces by Donatoni, who shows how affinities can be volatile, Berio, who brilliantly manipulates free time versus measured time, Crumb, the modern American transcendentalist, who demonstrates the unity in diversity, Ohana, whose free counterpoints unfold organically and amalgamate as they will, and Mantovani, who, like Mahler, fuses the most exigent concert music with moments of carefree ebullience.
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Promoting patients in narrative discourse: A developmental perspective par Harriet Jisa , publié le 18/12/2009
Languages provide speakers with a number of structural options for manipulating the expression of events in narrative discourse. Underlying narrative competence is the capacity to view events as dynamic actions composed of a bundle of elements such as, agent, patient, affectedness, etc. (Hopper and Thompson, 1980). This study examines the grammatical constructions used by children (5-6-, 7-8- and 10-11-year-olds) and adult speakers of Amharic, English, French and Hungarian to manipulate the expression of agent and patient participants in the expression of events. The narrative task used to elicit the data is composed of a series of pictures which recount the adventures of two principal characters (a boy and a dog) in search of their runaway frog (Frog, Where are you? Mayer 1969). Over the course of the story the boy and the dog encounter a host of secondary characters (a mole, an owl, a swarm of bees and a deer) and change participant status, going from controlling agent to affected patient of a secondary character's action. Our interest lies in the range of structures available in the languages studied and their use by children and adults in narrative discourse. We detail how children and adults native speakers of the four languages use topicalising constructions to promote the patient participant in an event to the starting point (Langacker, 1998) of the recounting of that event.
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En attendant les barbares de Coetzee : réécrire la mort du Christ, refuser la Croix par Maxime Decout, publié le 09/10/2009
Ecrivain du XXIe siècle, Coetzee propose dans Waiting for the Barbarians une réécriture de la Passion du Christ qui interroge le rôle de la souffrance individuelle ou collective. L’homme chargé de vivre ce nouveau Calvaire découvre la vanité de la souffrance dans un monde privé de Dieu ainsi que l’impossibilité de toute rédemption. Cette communication tente de dépasser une lecture politique du texte en s’intéressant au fonctionnement de l’intertexte biblique.
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