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Il y a 3 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Can Religion Make you Free? A Sermon on Diabolical Happiness par Simon Critchley, publié le 15/02/2013
"What is it that makes human beings happy? In a word, bread. And here we return to Jesus’ answers to the Devil’s desert temptations. In refusing to transform miraculously the stones into loaves, Jesus rejected bread for the sake of freedom, for the bread of heaven."
The Political Future of Religion and Secularism par Craig Calhoun, publié le 08/02/2013
Secularism has long been seen as a solution to problems of religion. Yet today, secularism (laïcité) itself is a political problem alongside religion. In some versions, secularism has become an obstacle to political and social projects potentially shared among members of different religions and the non-religious. It has been politicized in relation to migration, insurgency, and religious renewal. As ideology, it is sometimes the basis for new forms of intolerance. Both secularism and religion are sometimes made the bases for prescriptive demands on others as well as self-understandings. A central issue is the transformation of secularism and laïcité – in some versions – from formulations focused on freedom to ideologies mobilized to impose cultural values. Yet this need not be so. The problems are not with religion and secularism as such, but with how “fundamentalist” versions of each are deployed.
Le Créateur dans Frankenstein par Georges Zaragoza, publié le 23/04/2007
Cet article se penche sur la personne du créateur pour explorer son identité, le sens de son geste et la transgression qu'il induit et montrer dans quelle mesure cette faute introduit un schéma de la culpabilité et du châtiment. L'article qui suit est une version d'un cours de Georges Zaragoza adapté par Kevin Pinault pour La clé des langues. Les numéros de pages des citations de Frankenstein renvoient à l'édition Penguin Classics, 1992.