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Il y a 13 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Question d'actualité - The Cost of the British Monarchy par Annalena Geisler, publié le 06/07/2023
The coronation of King Charles III on the 6th of May 2023 has provoked much debate in the United Kingdom: the cost of living crisis, worsened by inflation, has prompted many citizens to criticise the large sums spent on royal festivities. This points to growing scepticism regarding the cost and relevance of the Royal Family, especially since the death of Queen Elizabeth II. This page provides resources to help understand the cost and finances of the monarchy and the royalist and antiroyalist sentiments of the British people.
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Death and Contemporary Political Imaginaries in Dalit Literature in India par Udaya Kumar, publié le 18/06/2018
Udaya Kumar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) était Professeur invité à l’ENS de Lyon du 12 au 30 octobre 2017 et a donné trois conférences en anglais sur la littérature Dalit du Sud de l’Inde. La troisième de ces conférences porte sur la représentation des phénomènes de possession dans la littérature Dalit et sur l'impact politique du suicide.
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From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures par Eléonore Cartellier-Veuillen, publié le 25/04/2016
“From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures” seeks to explain the key role that the Harry Potter novels have played in the creation of the Young Adult dystopian genre which has flourished in recent years. It focuses on three aspects of dystopia (mind-control, death and resistance) to show how these themes taken from traditional dystopias are re-written to shape such contemporary works as Uglies, The Hunger Games and Divergent.
Under the Skin (Jonathan Glazer - 2013) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 03/06/2015
Quel est cette lumière inaugurale? Un début (naissance)? Une fin (Near Death Experience)? Quel est cette langue? Inhumaine? Préhumaine? C'est peu dire que les premiers instants d'Under the Skin sont étranges et immédiatement prenants. Quelque chose se passe, sur l'écran. Une vingtaine de minutes mutiques, répétitives, hypnotiques, comme l'est en définitive tout le film.L'argument semble mince: des extra-terrestres sont en chasse. Le gibier? les hommes. L'appât? une créature. Scarlett Johansson, brune pour l'occasion. Le film est dérive, divagation, traque, ballet.
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David Treuer: Forgotten World / Forgotten Words par David Treuer, publié le 18/09/2014
We speak confidently and playfully about the “death of the author” but not one wants to seriously consider the death of literature. But this is precisely what we risk when we treat literature as ethnography, or worse, as the last living remnants of what seem to be vanishing cultures. We don’t read novels, at any rate, to educate ourselves. Or if we do we shouldn’t. And if we do commit this soul error we don’t enjoy novels because of the information they contain. Rather, we enjoy them, we clutch novels to our very souls because they move us, surprise us, transport us, entertain us, shock us, and (ultimately) trick us into caring about people and places that don’t exist and never existed.
An interview with Jonathan Coe (Expo 58) par Jonathan Coe, Clifford Armion, publié le 18/02/2014
Jonathan Coe was born in Birmingham in 1961. His novels include The Rotters' Club, The Accidental Woman, A Touch of Love, The Dwarves of Death, What a Carve Up!, which won the 1995 John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and the French Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger and The Rain Before it Falls. His latest novel is Expo 58.
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After Obamacare: The New Stakes of US Healthcare Policy par Alondra Nelson, publié le 21/02/2013
The new stakes for healthcare policy in the U.S. are apparent in what Obamacare concretized — the further privatization and stratification of healthcare—and what it left unsaid—the assertion of a right to health. Solutions lie outside of the formal domain of policy and in the realm of ethics and human rights. Yet, it is hard to imagine the application of these remedies at a time when life can be taken with impunity and in a world in which the US kills through drone warfare with each bomb carrying not only the threat of death but also the message that some lives matter less than yours or mine.
The Intensive Care Unit: A Place of Technology and Myth par Cécile Guilbert, publié le 22/01/2013
If we follow Giorgio Agamben, who defined “religion as that which subtracts things, places, animals and persons from common use to transfer them into a separate sphere,” the intensive care unit seems to be a sacred place within the hospital because it is special, separate, and governed by specific protocols, whether we’re talking about reduced visiting hours or its bunker-like nature (like the operating room and the morgue). And because it’s the place of suspension between life and death, a passageway between the conscious and the unconscious, or between presence and absence, intensive care is the place for all sorts of metaphysical questions, in the form of oxymora. What’s at stake here, for the patient—a dying life? A living death? What then is life? and death?
How Healing Are Books? par Pierre Zaoui, publié le 22/01/2013
The idea that novels, theater, or poetry often help us live, that they help us feel cleansed or feel stronger, more energized, more alive, or that they at least help us survive by giving us the boost we need to hang on a little longer, is not simply a constant topos of literature, be it western, eastern, or universal. It is an indisputable truth for those who make use of it, whether they write it, read it, comment on it, or transform it into a first-aid kid of maxim-prescriptions and citation-medicines to use as needed.
Three Words for Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich par Wendy Lesser, publié le 14/02/2012
As an element in Shostakovich's music, the shame is perhaps not as audible as the dread, but it is everpresent nonetheless. One cannot point to a precise place in the music where you can hear it, but it underlies and supports most of the other painful emotions, and if it were removed from the mix, you would certainly notice the difference. The shame is apparent in the harshness with which Shostakovich treats himself and his own feelings; it saves the saddest quartets (like the Eighth) from self-pity, and it saves the more cheerful ones (like the Sixth) from any tincture of smugness or self-assurance...
Obscurity and Dylan Thomas’s early poetry par Iris Yaron-Leconte , publié le 07/10/2010
This article presents an analysis of Dylan Thomas’s early poem “When once the twilight locks no longer”, ignored by scholars, probably because of its extreme obscurity. The analysis is preceded by a theoretical discussion of obscurity in poetry and offers a definition of the term “obscure poem”. I argue that in reading an obscure poem significant changes are generated in the dynamics of text processing. In transgressing the rules of communication, Thomas’s poem raises the question as to how the reader is to decode it.
Fiche de lecture : The Good Life, Jay McInerney par Armelle Calonne, publié le 07/05/2008
The Good Life is a story about many things: it deals with love and loss, with life and death, with contradictory feelings that, in the end, are all but one.
Fiche de lecture : Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer par Alice Bonzom, publié le 07/05/2008
The novel narrates the story of Oskar Schell, a precocious nine-year-old inventor, pacifist, percussionist, and Francophile, whose father died during the attacks of 9/11. A couple of years after his father’s death, he finds a mysterious key in an envelope with the name “Black” on it, in a vase in a closet. Sure that the key belonged to his father, he decides to visit everyone named “Black” in the five boroughs of New York to discover what it opens. Intertwined with Oskar’s quest are letters written by his grandparents, who went through the bombings of Dresden in the Second World War.