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Il y a 9 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Lorna Goodison: a short story par Lorna Goodison, publié le 05/09/2014
Dans le cadre de notre partenariat avec la Villa Gillet, nous avons le plaisir de publier cette délicieuse historiette de Lorna Goodison sur les rapports conjugaux…
Goldie Goldbloom: Portraits and Faces - Appearance and Disfigurement par Goldie Goldbloom, publié le 27/09/2013
Chekhov is well known for his impartial observations of his characters and for his grasp of “realism”. When I first read his description of the lady with the little dog, I discovered that she is “a fair-haired young lady of medium height, wearing a beret.” I was puzzled. This less than enthusiastic description of the woman Gurov will come to love leaves out many basic details such as the colour of Anna Sergeyevna’s eyes and whether she has an attractive figure. I wondered why Chekhov departs from the wordier earlier traditions of written portraiture, and how his simple sketch of Anna illustrated the “realism” for which he is known.
Kate O'Riordan: Visions of Ireland - A writer's view par Kate O'Riordan, publié le 17/09/2013
A Londoner by adoption, Kate O’Riordan grew up in the small city of Bantry on the west coast of Ireland. With Le Garçon dans la lune, published in 2008 and Pierres de mémoire, in 2009, O’Riordan signed two new remarkable opuses in which she questions family relationships. A novelist and short-story writer, Kate O’Riordan also writes for the cinema and continues to confirm her legitimate place among Irish authors who count. She came to the Villa Gillet to take part in a discussion on 'Ireland by Irish writers'.
Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories: An Introduction par Emilie Walezak , publié le 28/06/2011
Katherine Mansfield wrote short stories exclusively and produced a large body of work though she died quite young from tuberculosis when she was 30. She is one the best representatives of modernist short story writing. Virginia Woolf herself admitted to Mansfield that she was jealous of her writing: "and then Morgan Foster said the Prelude and The Voyage Out were the best novels of their time, and I said damn Katherine! Why can't I be the only woman who knows how to write?"
Miss Brill (1920) par Katherine Mansfield, publié le 28/06/2011
Texte de la nouvelle accompagné de l'enregistrement d'une lecture de ce texte.
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The Legacy (1944) par Virginia Woolf, publié le 28/06/2011
Texte de la nouvelle accompagné de l'enregistrement d'une lecture de ce texte.
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Virginia Woolf : théorie de l'impropre par Frédéric Regard , publié le 27/05/2009
Dans L'Ecriture féminine en Angleterre (PUF, 2002, épuisé), Frédéric Regard met en avant le rôle charnière qu'a joué Virginia Woolf dans le positionnement du féminin en Angleterre. Nous en reproduisons ici les pages centrales, dans lesquelles l'auteur explique que Woolf, insatisfaite des avancées acquises grâce à la première génération de féministes, avait choisi de déplacer le combat sur le terrain d'un "matérialisme culturel" qu'il met à jour à travers l'analyse de deux essais de Woolf, A Room of One's Own et Three Guineas.
The “obstinate resistance” of Woolf’s short stories par Christine Reynier, publié le 31/03/2009
I have often wondered why, although I have regularly gone back to Virginia Woolf's short stories, I still feel I do not know them very well. This is of course no other than the secret charm of Woolf's short stories: they are so hermetic or puzzling that one cannot help re-reading them; they are so varied that one keeps forgetting them; they are so challenging that one feels bound to delve into them again and again. They offer the "obstinate resistance" (Woolf 1988: 158) of the text that Woolf loves in Sir Thomas Browne's writings and that she analyses in her essay "Reading". The military metaphor of resistance might suggest that once the fortress of the text has been assaulted, it will surrender to the reader. However, the author makes it clear that such is not the case.
La chair de l'escargot par Jean-Jacques Lecercle , publié le 19/12/2008
Une analyse de la figure du chiasme dans une nouvelle de Virginia Woolf, "Kew Gardens". Cet article a été originellement publié dans "Théorie-Littérature-Enseignement", Figuralité et cognition, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, n° 9 (épuisé), Automne 1991, pp. 171-189.