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Il y a 10 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Transgression in Shehan Karunatilaka’s The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida (2020) par Apolline Dosse, publié le 17/06/2024
[Fiche] Sri Lankan writer Shehan Karunatilaka’s novel The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida tells the story of a war photographer, gambler and closeted gay in Colombo during the 1980s civil war. One day, he wakes up in a bureaucratic afterlife while his body is sinking in the Beira Lake, and he is given seven moons to figure out how he died. The novel addresses the issue of transgression, whether it concerns Maali’s personal identity, his photographs which hold the subversive power to bring to light political violence, or the intersection of an unusual second-person narrative and dark humor.
Blessure du corps et blessure du langage chez Shakespeare par Clifford Armion, publié le 25/04/2014
Cet article se propose d’étudier les rapports dialectiques qui unissent la violence représentée à la parole dans le théâtre de Shakespeare. Nous verrons que le langage immédiat de la blessure physique peut prendre le pas sur le texte prononcé par les acteurs. La crainte de la mort et de la dissolution du corps, exprimée par la blessure, est associée dans le texte shakespearien à l’économie et à l’extinction du langage. Le silence, corrélat de la mort, peut ainsi être lu comme une griffure à la surface du texte théâtral. Il apparaîtra que la violence physique entre en écho avec les silences, les incohérences du langage, mais aussi les ruptures de genre, constituant une forme de blessure du langage.
Feel the Sound, Thoughts on Music and the Body par Elena Mannes, publié le 19/12/2013
Our relationship with sound is an intimate one – arguably the most intimate with any of our five senses. We live in a visual society. Many people would say that sight is our primary sense. We hear before we see. In the womb, the fetus begins to develop an auditory system between seventeen and nineteen weeks. Already we are in a world of sound, of breath and heartbeat, of rhythm and vibration. Already, we are feeling the sound with our bodies.
"As Many Fingers as Needed": The Body as Musician and its Fetishes par Peter Szendy, publié le 19/12/2013
"To comfortably acquire, so to speak, as many fingers as needed," said one of Bach’s sons, Carl Philipp Emanuel, in his Essay on the True Art of Playing the Keyboard (1753). And these words are remarkable, as long as we are prepared to take them literally, and not hastily consider them as one of the metaphors that adorn discourse about music and on the bodies that it evokes.
Frederick Wiseman on Reality and film par Frederick Wiseman, publié le 03/09/2012
The provocative starting point sent to me for this debate states that "Artists and writers are vampires who feed on reality." I do not think this is any more true of artists and writers than it is of anybody whether they be doctor, lawyer, used car salesman, fishmonger, politician, farmer, priest, housewife or any of the other hundreds of thousands of jobs that exist.
Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories: An Introduction par Emilie Walezak , publié le 28/06/2011
Katherine Mansfield wrote short stories exclusively and produced a large body of work though she died quite young from tuberculosis when she was 30. She is one the best representatives of modernist short story writing. Virginia Woolf herself admitted to Mansfield that she was jealous of her writing: "and then Morgan Foster said the Prelude and The Voyage Out were the best novels of their time, and I said damn Katherine! Why can't I be the only woman who knows how to write?"
Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece: the wound that cannot heal par Clifford Armion, publié le 17/09/2010
In Shakespeare's works, the assaults on the body and the marks they leave in the flesh constitute a complex form of language. The shape of the wound, its seriousness, its position on the body, the situation in which it was inflicted, the terms and metaphors used to describe it: all these elements contribute to its semantic load.
"Come, unbutton here": Exposing "the thing itself" in Shakespeare’s King Lear par Denis Lagae-Devoldère, publié le 14/02/2010
The first definition of the verb "to expose" in the Oxford English Dictionary is "to put out", "to deprive of shelter", "to turn out of doors", formed on the original Latin exponere: in King Lear, the king is famously kicked out of his respective daughters' houses and exposed to the elements. Throughout the play, such exposure to danger goes hand in hand with the exposure of something or somebody, which the OED defines as to denounce or to lay open (to danger, to ridicule, to censure)...
Moulding the Female Body in Victorian Fairy Tales and Sensation Novels - Introduction par Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, publié le 11/02/2009
L'introduction de l'ouvrage Moulding the Female Body in Victorian Fairy Tales and Sensation Novels est ici reproduite avec l'autorisation de la maison d'édition.
Fiche de lecture : The Body, Hanif Kureishi par Laura Menard, publié le 03/05/2008
The narrator of Hanif Kureishi’s novella is a British playwright in his mid-sixties called Adam who experiences the difficulty of living as an aging man. His struggle to maintain his self-esteem and joie de vivre prompts him to give a very cynical account of the old people’s situation in a society ruled by beauty, youth and desire. Adam’s gloomy life takes a favorable turn – or so he thinks … - when he meets Ralph, a handsome and young admirer of his, who secretly informs him he can look just as healthy and fit as he: he may be operated on to have his mind transferred from his old, decaying body to a New Body.