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Il y a 6 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
West Side Story then and now: the representation of Puerto Rican immigrants in the 1961 film and the 2021 remake par Lucas Leone Coutinho Miranda Frota, publié le 30/12/2020
[Fiche] Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story holds an important place within American culture: it started as a Broadway success, became an Oscar-winning movie in the early 1960s, and then was readapted to the big screen sixty years later by Steven Spielberg. This article analyzes how key issues such as immigration and territory are particularly addressed in each film, as well as how the racial and gender portrayal of Puerto Ricans living in mid-20th century New York City has evolved from one version to another.
Identity (Dana Spiotta) par Dana Spiotta, publié le 26/08/2015
I read obituaries. I love to read about people who were notable for one thing—say the woman who appears in a famous photo at Kent State. I am drawn to what people think of as failures: the guy who backed the wrong videotape format or the guy who lost an election after a tweet. I like to read about people whose lives took dramatic turns, like the guy who spent most of his life running an ice cream shop in New Jersey but secretly had a past life as a war criminal. I am fascinated by secret lives or multiplex identities. I imagine the day-to-day ordinary life, what does it feel like over time. I wonder about consequences, guilt, and redemption. I wonder how your past shapes who you are. And I wonder about the life that takes shape around an event. How a fleeting moment can change you, or maybe not. Maybe you are you no matter what.
Analysing front pages par Clifford Armion, publié le 20/01/2015
A front page tells you a lot about the contents of a newspaper and its attitude towards the news. Even if the traditional format difference between broadsheet newspapers and the more compact tabloids is disappearing – most papers are now printed in the same size – you can still easily recognize serious newspapers from tabloids. Tabloids usually have a large red masthead, very bold typeface and eye-catching pictures. The more serious papers have more text on the front-page and a plainer layout. Contrary to tabloids, broadsheets have no puns or jokes in the headlines and use a more formal language. Here are the main features you will find in any front-page…
The Truth of Pussy Riot par Masha Gessen, publié le 21/02/2014
A great work of art is also often not immediately recognizable. Five young women entered the enormous Cathedral of Christ the Savior early in the morning on February 21, 2012, took off their overcoats to expose differently colored dresses and neon-colored tights, pulled on similarly neon-colored balaclavas, climbed up on the soleas (having lost one of their number in the process—she had been grabbed by a security guard), and proceeded to dance, play air guitar, and sing a song they called a “punk prayer,” beseeching Mother of God to “get rid of Putin.”
A global open-circuit television system going live? par Jeffrey Rosen, publié le 11/03/2013
I was at a conference at Google not long ago, and the head of public policy, said he expected that before long, Google and Facebook will be asked to post online live feeds to all the public and private surveillance cameras in the world, including mobile cameras mounted on drones. Imagine that Facebook responds to public pressure and decides to post live feeds, so they can be searched online, as well as archiving the video in the digital cloud.
Lord Peter Melchett on GMOs par Lord Peter Melchett, publié le 12/11/2010
Lord Peter Melchett was a whip in James Callaghan's Labour Party and later became minister of state for Northern Ireland. He was appointed Executive Director of Greenpeace UK in 1989 and he has been Policy Director at the Soil Association since 2002. He was invited by Libération to tackle the issue of GMOs.