Yaron-Leconte, Iris
Vutheany Loch
le 10/10/2017

- Établissement : Université Paris 8
- Volet : Anglais
Iris Yaron-Leconte is an assistant professor at Paris 8 University. She specializes in the field of obscure and difficult poetry and is interested primarily in the mechanisms underlying the processing of such poems. She works on French, Hebrew, American and English poetry. She published Du poème hermétique et des processus de son Traitement (Presse Universitaire de Septenrion, 2005), an interdisciplinary study combining research in Literature and Cognitive Psychology, and edited Dada and Surrealism in France: An Anthology (in Hebrew) together with Ruth Amossy (Ha'kibboutz ha'meuchad, 1992).
- Obscurity and Dylan Thomas’s early poetry