Leys, Colin
Marion Coste
le 19/12/2017

- Grade/Statut : Professor
- Établissement : Goldsmiths College
- Volet : Anglais
Colin Leys is an emeritus professor of political studies at Queen's University Canada, and an honorary professor at Goldsmiths College, London. His books include Politics in Britain: From Labourism to Thatcherism, London: Verso, second edition 1989; Market-Driven Politics: Neoliberal democracy and the public interest, London: Verso 2002; and with Stewart Player, Confuse and Conceal: The NHS and Independent Sector Treatment Centres, London|: Merlin Press 2008. He is also co-editor with Leo Panitch of Morbid Symptoms: Health under capitalism, the Socialist Register 2010, London: Merlin Press 2009.
- Reducing social democracy’s last redoubt: the privatisation and marketisation of the NHS in England