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Ives, Andrew

Publié par Vutheany Loch le 10/10/2017
  • Grade/Statut : Maître de conférences
  • Établissement : Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
  • Volet : Anglais
  • Andrew Ives is Associate Professor in North American Studies at the University of Caen Lower Normandy. His recent research focuses on the liberal regime from a history of ideas perspective. He is co-author, with Marie Bolton and Roy Carpenter, of The Republicans: From Eisenhower to George W. Bush (1952-2008), Neuilly, Atlande, 2016. A previous article on Roosevelt entitled “FDR’s greatest legacy: moving away from Locke and gaining acceptance for a new American liberalism” appeared in Les Années Roosevelt (F. Robert, éd.), Ellipses.