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Immigration to the United States of America: Current Challenges and Debates

par Anne-Kathrin Marquardt, publié le 11/05/2017

type-image.png article.png This paper, written in April 2017, gives an overview of recent immigration to the United States and the immigrant population of America. It outlines the consequences for the demographics and politics of the country and summarises the contentious issues in the debate around immigration reform. It focuses on executive action taken since 2012, during the Obama and Trump presidencies, right up to the present day.

Immigration to the United States of America - Glossary

par Anne-Kathrin Marquardt, publié le 04/05/2017

texte.png bibliographie.png This glossary comes with the paper “Immigration to the United States of America: current challenges and debates”, which was written in April 2017. An asterisk (*) refers to an entry in the glossary.