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The Gay Liberation Front and queer rights in the UK: a conversation with Jeffrey Weeks
par Jeffrey Weeks, publié le 23/05/2019Jeffrey Weeks is a gay activist and historian specialising in the history of sexuality. His work includes Socialism and the New Life (1977) and Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (1977). He was invited at the LGBT Centre in Lyon to talk about his latest book What is sexual history (2016), which has been translated in French and published by the Presses Universitaires de Lyon. The discussion was moderated by Quentin Zimmerman.
Going Solo
par Eric Klinenberg, publié le 19/02/2013About five years ago I started working on a book that I planned to call ALONE IN AMERICA. My original idea was to write a book that would sound an alarm about a disturbing trend: the unprecedented rise of living alone. I was motivated by my belief that the rise of living alone is a profound social change – the greatest change of the past 60 years that we have failed to name or identify. Consider that, until the 1950s, not a single human society in the history of our species sustained large numbers of people living alone for long periods of time. Today, however, living alone is ubiquitous in affluent, open societies. In some nations, one-person households are now more common than nuclear families who share the same roof. Consider America. In 1950, only 22 percent of American adults were single, and only 9 percent of all households had just one occupant. Today, 49 percent of American adults are single, and 28 percent of all households have one, solitary resident.
The Need to See and the Will not to Know - How we deal with catastrophes
par Craig Calhoun, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Eric Klinenberg, Michel Lussault, Nicholas Mirzoeff, publié le 20/01/2012Au cours de l'année écoulée, un groupe d'éminents sociologues français et américains se sont rencontrés à Lyon et à New York à plusieurs reprises. Il s'agissait d'explorer notre intérêt culturel pour les catastrophes récentes et l'émergence de certaines menaces sur notre climat, nos villes et nos communautés ; de sonder notre désir d'en savoir plus ou, au contraire, de rester dans l'ignorance. Les cinq chercheurs présenteront le résultat de leur réflexion à l'occasion de cette soirée à l'IPK. During one year leading French and American social scientists met several times in Lyon and New York to explore our cultural interest in knowing and not knowing about recent catastrophes and emerging threats to our climate, cities, and communities. They will share the result of their reflection.
Antonio A. Casilli - Bums, Bridges, and Primates: Some Elements for a Sociology of Online Interactions
par Antonio A. Casilli, publié le 24/02/2011Antonio A. Casilli, sociologue, est chercheur au Centre Edgar-Morin de l'EHESS (Paris), où il enseigne la socio-anthropologie des usages numériques. Il vient de publier Les Liaisons numériques, ouvrage riche et surprenant qui met à mal le mythe de la réalité virtuelle désincarnée et désocialisante et montre qu'Internet offre des modalités neuves et fécondes du lien social. Ce texte a été écrit à l'occasion d'une rencontre organisée par la Villa Gillet autour de la "Web culture : nouveaux modes de connaissance, nouvelles sociabilités".