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A voice and a place of one’s own: women, knowledge and empowerment in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre

par Christine Vandamme, publié le 30/12/2020

article.png [Article] The article deals with women and knowledge in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847). The novel was quite revolutionary in its time for its strong assertion of female agency and self-empowerment and a keen perception of power dynamics inherent in the definition of gender and gender roles. However considering Jane Eyre through the sole prism of a novel of emancipation only dealing with women’s rights and aspirations would be reductive. Jane Eyre’s fiery narrative is a strong plea against all forms of intersectional oppression in Victorian times despite its own unconscious bias relative to ethnicity and the colonial question notably.

Joshua Cohen: W.I.K.I.

par Joshua Cohen, publié le 20/12/2019

texte.png monographie.png Every year, the English-speaking writers invited to the Assises Internationales du Roman write the definition of a word of their choice.