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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé dystopia.

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From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures

par Eléonore Cartellier-Veuillen, publié le 25/04/2016

article.png “From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures” seeks to explain the key role that the Harry Potter novels have played in the creation of the Young Adult dystopian genre which has flourished in recent years. It focuses on three aspects of dystopia (mind-control, death and resistance) to show how these themes taken from traditional dystopias are re-written to shape such contemporary works as Uglies, The Hunger Games and Divergent.

Dystopia in the plays of Samuel Beckett : Purgatory in Play

par Eleanor Bryce, publié le 14/09/2012

article.png The literary genre of dystopia remains popular in the English-speaking world, particularly in young adult fiction. In this age of rapid technological advances, and the threat (or indeed reality) of political and media control, works of literature which question the benefits of these developments are thriving.