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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé Taiye.

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Taiye Selasi: On Emotions

par Taiye Selasi, publié le 31/08/2015

article.png How do writers succeed in submerging us in situations so unlike our own lives? I would argue that, as a reader, I have yet to encounter a situation in literature "unlike" my life. The demographic details may differ: Charlotte is a spider, I am a human; Teju Cole's narrators are men, I am a woman; many of Toni Morrison's characters are mothers, I am not. The list of things that I am not is long: white, male, a parent, a soldier, Chinese-speaking, South American, a witness to any war.

Home (Taiye Selasi)

par Taiye Selasi, publié le 26/08/2015

article.png What were we seeking when we set out? And where did we set out from? Birthplace. Plausible. But who was born? Not ‘we,’ not whole. Not yet, not then. Then, we were theirs: the parents, the adults, the fully-formed members of loosely-formed worlds. They had homes. Or thought they did. We belonged to them. They belonged to There. At least they tried: they ate the food, they spoke the tongue, they donned the garb. Still they moved like strangers There, like looser threads in tight-knit Thens. A question. If they belonged to There then why did they leave in search of Where?