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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé rébellion.

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Rebellion (Rachel Cusk)

par Rachel Cusk, publié le 30/05/2014

article.png type-video.png Chaque année, les invités des Assises Internationales du Roman rédigent la définition d'un mot de leur choix : il s'agit ici du mot "rebellion", défini par l'écrivaine anglaise Rachel Cusk.

Rebelling as a female in the 18th and 19th century literature. From Pamela to Jane Eyre: a path to equality?

par Marion Lopez-Burette, publié le 23/09/2013

article.png This article intends to study and compare the way Pamela, Richardson's early heroine of the novel genre, and Charlotte Brontë's romantic Jane, rebel. What follows will underscore the path trodden by female fictional characters in terms of shaping the individual, from the Enlightenment period to the romantic era. The patterns of entrapment and self-willed seclusion the protagonists are involved in function as incentives for rebellion. The ideals they rebel for play the role of living forces in a way that is meaningful to comprehend how the essence of rebellion evolved with time. No matter how much the protagonists' respective procedure may differ, from moral conservatism to personal answering of moral questions through rites of passage, the two female heroines are equally conscious of their value as human beings. Their handling of their hardships and their allegiance to God, however, points to the qualitative and quantitative evolution of the notion of equality.