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Three Words for Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich

par Wendy Lesser, publié le 14/02/2012

article.png As an element in Shostakovich's music, the shame is perhaps not as audible as the dread, but it is everpresent nonetheless. One cannot point to a precise place in the music where you can hear it, but it underlies and supports most of the other painful emotions, and if it were removed from the mix, you would certainly notice the difference. The shame is apparent in the harshness with which Shostakovich treats himself and his own feelings; it saves the saddest quartets (like the Eighth) from self-pity, and it saves the more cheerful ones (like the Sixth) from any tincture of smugness or self-assurance...

Obscurity and Dylan Thomas’s early poetry

par Iris Yaron-Leconte , publié le 07/10/2010

article.png This article presents an analysis of Dylan Thomas’s early poem “When once the twilight locks no longer”, ignored by scholars, probably because of its extreme obscurity. The analysis is preceded by a theoretical discussion of obscurity in poetry and offers a definition of the term “obscure poem”. I argue that in reading an obscure poem significant changes are generated in the dynamics of text processing. In transgressing the rules of communication, Thomas’s poem raises the question as to how the reader is to decode it.