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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé metafiction.

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Entre raillerie et révérence : A Suitable Boy ou le pastiche renouvelé

par Mélanie Heydari, publié le 09/10/2009

conference.png type-video.png texte.png Pastiche de la grande tradition littéraire victorienne, A Suitable Boy, de Vikram Seth, se situe de manière éminemment originale dans le renouveau de la production littéraire postcoloniale. Entre raillerie et révérence, désir d’imitation et volonté de changement, ce roman-fleuve révèle l’affiliation de l’auteur aux canons victoriens : cette écriture délibérément lisse, sans aspérités, aux antipodes de celle d’un Rushdie, ne trahit en effet nulle autre appartenance, nulle généalogie.

A reading of The Brooklyn Follies through the lens of autofiction

par Marie Thévenon, publié le 02/10/2009

article.png From his very first novel, The Invention of Solitude, to his very last, Man in the Dark, Paul Auster has always played with the mixture between autobiography and fiction. The Brooklyn Follies pertains to this tradition and it is through the lens of autofiction that this article proposes to explore this novel. The author starts by observing the similarities between Paul Auster and his characters and pays close attention to the intertextual dimension. She then analyses the metafictional aspects of the narration. Finally, she places this novel among Paul Auster's other works and wonders if there has been an evolution in his writing.