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4 ressources contiennent le mot-clé home.

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"Language is a movement between scattered forms": Interview with Amitava Kumar

par Amitava Kumar, Natacha Lasorak, publié le 25/10/2019

type-video.png texte.png entretien.png Amitava Kumar is an Indian writer and journalist who teaches literature at Vassar College. In this interview, he talks about his collection of essays Away: The Indian Writer as an Expatriate (2004) and his novel Immigrant, Montana (2017), and focuses on the notion of "home", immigration, the caste system and the political situation in India.

Home (Taiye Selasi)

par Taiye Selasi, publié le 26/08/2015

article.png What were we seeking when we set out? And where did we set out from? Birthplace. Plausible. But who was born? Not ‘we,’ not whole. Not yet, not then. Then, we were theirs: the parents, the adults, the fully-formed members of loosely-formed worlds. They had homes. Or thought they did. We belonged to them. They belonged to There. At least they tried: they ate the food, they spoke the tongue, they donned the garb. Still they moved like strangers There, like looser threads in tight-knit Thens. A question. If they belonged to There then why did they leave in search of Where?

Home (Hugo Hamilton)

par Hugo Hamilton, publié le 15/04/2014

article.png Chaque année, les invités des Assises Internationales du Roman rédigent la définition d'un mot de leur choix : il s'agit ici du mot "home", défini par l'auteur irlandais Hugo Hamilton.

What Is Translation For?

par Keith Gessen, publié le 19/11/2013

article.png What is the place of the writer in the literary field of the home country? What contribution can this writer make to the literary field of the target or host country? It's important to understand that the answers to these questions will often be different: a writer can be a marginal figure in his home country and become a vital figure in another country. More often, of course, the reverse is true.