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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé growth.

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An interview with Jonathon Porritt

par Jonathon Porritt, Tom Cuthbertson, publié le 09/11/2010

entretien.png type-video.png texte.png Jonathon Porritt was a prominent member of the Ecology Party in the 70's and 80's. He later became Tony Blair's chief environmental adviser and was chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on sustainable economy with Yannick Jadot.

Jonathon Porritt on sustainable economy

par Jonathon Porritt, publié le 09/11/2010

article.png Jonathon Porritt was a prominent member of the Ecology Party in the 70's and 80's. He later became Tony Blair's chief environmental adviser and was chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on sustainable economy with Yannick Jadot.