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Persuasive speaking and how to improve LLCER students' communication skills

par Laure Gardelle, publié le 22/06/2023

type-video.png conference.png Dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre l'Université Grenoble Alpes, l'Ecole académique de formation continue (EAFC) et les IA-IPR d'anglais de l'académie de Grenoble, des professeurs d'anglais de lycée qui dispensent l'enseignement de spécialité LLCER Anglais ont assisté à une conférence intitulée "Persuasive speaking and how to improve LLCER students' communication skills" animée par Laure Gardelle.

What Does a New Yorker Think When He Bites into a Hamburger?

par Caroline Heinrich, publié le 20/11/2012

article.png What do you think of when you bite into a hamburger? Mmm, how delicious? Oh boy, this is bad for me? Or: I hope I won’t make a mess. Or perhaps you don’t want to think about anything at all? Maybe you are just thinking, “What a crazy question!”? Or are you trying to figure out what this crazy question has to do with philosophy and, particularly, with Baudrillard’s thought?