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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé caste.

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Gandhi’s and Ambedkar’s views on caste: the representation of historical figures in Arundhati Roy’s The Doctor and the Saint

par Fleur-Ann Dany Brouard, publié le 31/12/2020

article.png In The Doctor and the Saint, Arundhati Roy compares and contrasts the lives and beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution. Analyzing the two men's trajectories, Roy seeks to explain their conflict on the subject of Untouchability during the Second Round Table Conference (1931). In doing so, she dismantles the myth of Gandhi's sainthood and radical progressivism while defending and justifying Ambedkar's attack on Hinduism. Through its references to Narendra Modi's career, The Doctor and the Saint also offers insight into India's contemporary politics.

Caste and the Present: Modernity, Modernism and Dalit Writing in India

par Udaya Kumar, publié le 27/04/2018

type-video.png conference.png Udaya Kumar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) était Professeur invité à l’ENS de Lyon du 12 au 30 octobre 2017 et a donné trois conférences en anglais sur la littérature Dalit du Sud de l’Inde. La première de ces conférences explore la représentation du système de castes dans la littérature Dalit.