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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé New Zealand.

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There and back: Circularity in Jane Campion’s The Piano (1993)

par Annalena Geisler, Arthur Dussart, publié le 11/05/2023

article.png The commercial and critical success of Jane Campion’s third feature-length film The Piano (1993) paired with the accolades it received (three Academy Awards, a César and the first Palme d’Or for a female director) cemented the reputation of the New Zealand director. The Piano is a period drama set in the beginning of the 19th century which centres on the mute Scottish woman Ada McGrath who, together with her daughter and her piano, travels to New Zealand to be married to a frontiersman.

The 1915 Gallipoli Campaign: the significance of a disastrous military campaign in the forging of two nations

par Fabien Jeannier, publié le 10/02/2016

article.png Cet article propose une genèse de la campagne de Gallipoli en rappelant ses différentes étapes et ses chiffres clés, mais aussi une analyse de l’impact qu’a eu cette débâcle militaire dans la construction identitaire de la Nouvelle-Zélande et de l’Australie.