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Il y a 5 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Aestheticism and Morality in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) par Louise Bailly, publié le 17/09/2020
Known for his witty aphorisms, fanciful style and extravagant way of life, Oscar Wilde was not only a dandy par excellence but also a major figure of nineteenth-century literature. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, he expresses his belief that art should be dissociated from moral considerations and creates an anti-hero at odds with traditional protagonists whose virtuous behaviours were meant to be exemplary models.
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Morality (Adelle Waldman) par Adelle Waldman, publié le 26/08/2015
Chaque année, les invités des Assises Internationales du Roman rédigent la définition d'un mot de leur choix : il s'agit ici du mot "morality", défini par l'auteure américaine Adelle Waldman.
Kate Chopin as a Vocal Colourist: Vocalscapes in “Beyond the Bayou” par Manuel Jobert, publié le 16/04/2013
Authors sometimes pepper their writings with features of orality. Charles Dickens, Emily Brontë, Thomas Hardy or George Bernard Shaw have become household names renowned for this propensity to rely on the vocal medium. Orality, however, is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of possible meanings. In this paper, I shall mainly be concerned with direct speech and the way it represents spoken discourse proper.
The spoken word and the written word in Paul Auster’s The Brooklyn Follies par Catherine Pesso-Miquel, publié le 16/10/2009
This article analyses the construction of voices in Paul Auster’s The Brooklyn Follies, in which the paradoxical relationship between printed signs on a page and phonemes uttered by human bodies is fore-grounded. Auster revels in creating lively dialogues that are carefully inscribed within a particular voice through the use of didascalia, but he also celebrates the physicality and euphony of a narrative voice which navigates between elegiac lyricism and sharp-witted humour. The Brooklyn Follies, like all Auster’s books, is a book about books, but this one is also a book about tales and story-telling, about speech and silence, and the very American tradition of tall tales.
The Ethics of the BBC par Beth Harper, publié le 04/07/2009
This essay will look at the ways in which the ethics of the BBC have been manifested, compromised and disputed by drawing upon particular instances of crisis, both in its endorsement of certain popular culture personalities in its programming, and in its BBC News coverage of international events such as the Iraq war and the Arab-Israeli conflict. We shall see the controversy that has surrounded the BBC in recent times and investigate the various debates on public morality, journalistic integrity and cultural sensitivity that have ensued.