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Il y a 9 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Question d'actualité - The Cost of the British Monarchy par Annalena Geisler, publié le 06/07/2023
The coronation of King Charles III on the 6th of May 2023 has provoked much debate in the United Kingdom: the cost of living crisis, worsened by inflation, has prompted many citizens to criticise the large sums spent on royal festivities. This points to growing scepticism regarding the cost and relevance of the Royal Family, especially since the death of Queen Elizabeth II. This page provides resources to help understand the cost and finances of the monarchy and the royalist and antiroyalist sentiments of the British people.
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Vanishing Point / Point limite zéro (Richard Sarafian - 1971) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 13/09/2016
Quand sort Vanishing Point, en 1971, le Nouvel Hollywood bat son plein. Initié dès les années 60 par des films comme The Graduate (Le lauréat) de Mike Nichols, ou Bonnie and Clyde d'Arthur Penn, ce "nouveau cinéma" a ouvert le champ à une autre Amérique, à ses laissés pour compte, ses losers. Longtemps tus, sinon interdits sur les écrans, beaucoup de problèmes commencent alors à être abordés: la sexualité sous tous ses aspects, les drogues, les violences conjugales et parentales, l'univers carcéral, la maladie mentale, le traitement des minorités, toutes les hypocrisies d'une société bourgeoise polissée, les mensonges de l'American Dream. La guerre même n'est plus héroïque, le Vietnam occupe toute l'actualité.
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Pictures Versus the World par Barbie Zelizer, publié le 24/01/2014
For as long as pictures have been among us, they have generated an uneasy mix of suspicion and awe. Perhaps nowhere is that as much the case as with journalism, where pictures are implicated in the larger truth-claims associated with the news. Aligned with a certain version of modernity, pictures are expected to establish and maintain journalism as the legitimate platform for giving shape to events of the real world. Consider how public response to acts of terror, war and natural disaster is affected by decisions not to depict them. Without pictures to show the news, journalism’s capacity to render the real and make it accessible is compromised.
Minorities and democracy par Siddhartha Deb, publié le 17/01/2014
In 1916, the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore delivered a series of lectures that would eventually be collected into the book, Nationalism. Tagore was writing in the glow of his own celebrity (he had just won the Nobel Prize for literature) and from within the heart of the crisis engulfing the modern world, two years into the slow, grim war that had converted Europe into a labyrinth of trenches covered over with clouds of poison gas. For Tagore, this was the tragic but inevitable outcome of a social calculus that valued efficiency, profit and, especially, the spirit of us versus them that bonded together the inhabitants of one nation and allowed them to go out, conquer and enslave other people, most of them members of no nation at all.
Barbie Zelizer on the power of images par Barbie Zelizer, Clifford Armion, publié le 06/01/2014
Barbie Zelizer is a Professor of Communication, and holds the Raymond Williams Chair of Communication and is Director of the Scholars Program in Culture and Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. A former journalist, Professor Zelizer's work focuses on the cultural dimensions of journalism, with a specific interest in journalistic authority, collective memory, and journalistic images in times of crisis and war. She also works on the impact of disciplinary knowledge on academic inquiry.
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Mary Creagh on UK environmental policies par Mary Creagh, Clifford Armion, publié le 05/01/2012
Mary Creagh is the Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. She has been a Member of Parliament for Wakefield since 2005. She answered our questions on the environmental policies implemented by the coalition government and the position of Labour on energy and environment related issues.
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Rêves d’horizon dans Julius Caesar par Laurence Crohem, publié le 10/11/2011
Dans la pièce, l'assassinat de Caesar semble être non seulement l'indice d'un trouble politique, mais aussi d'une temporalité problématique. L'assassinat paraît toujours être un horizon qui se dérobe, un événement qui n'a jamais lieu au présent, et semble offrir un changement de paradigme éphémère, chaque Romain, Brutus comme tous les autres, devenant un temps souverain potentiel et interchangeable. Se dessine alors l'idée d'une crise du self solidaire du trouble politique et temporel : hanté par d'autres, Brutus semble développer une étrange modalité du self. Quel horizon du soi l'assassinat de Caesar dessine-t-il ?
The Ethics of the BBC par Beth Harper, publié le 04/07/2009
This essay will look at the ways in which the ethics of the BBC have been manifested, compromised and disputed by drawing upon particular instances of crisis, both in its endorsement of certain popular culture personalities in its programming, and in its BBC News coverage of international events such as the Iraq war and the Arab-Israeli conflict. We shall see the controversy that has surrounded the BBC in recent times and investigate the various debates on public morality, journalistic integrity and cultural sensitivity that have ensued.
The Paradoxes and Crisis of Contemporary Conservatism par David O'Brien , publié le 24/04/2007
A partir d'une définition de 5 piliers du conservatisme américain, David O'Brien nous explique comment l'action des élites conservatrices américaines au cours des 25 dernières années a conduit à un renversement de ces valeurs menant à la crise qui s'est révélée dans l'échec électoral des républicains en novembre 2006.
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