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Il y a 5 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Avital Ronell on authority par Avital Ronell, Clifford Armion, publié le 02/12/2014
We have to understand what education implies. To educate means to pull out of the other. There’s a pulling, there’s a little violence. I’m sure that education does take place without authority, if we understand by that a certain, measurable, examinable, testable level of acquisition and performance. However if you want to truly inspire, to accelerate and quicken and enliven the pulse of the student body, then authority would probably be an important premise.
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The educational system in the United States: an overview par Daniel Wright, publié le 10/11/2014
In general, we have what is called a federal system, where there is a lot of power that States have, and then cities within states and even smaller municipalities within cities can make their own rules. And education is a good example of where it can really depend on where you are. The requirements can be very different from place to place and the type of schools that are offered can vary very much from state to state...
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The Young Lords par Johanna Fernandez, Claire Richard, publié le 22/01/2013
The Young Lords were the children of the first large wave of Puerto Rican migration to the North East of the United States, in cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Hartford. The Young Lords was begun not in New York, interestingly enough, but in Chicago. And it was initiated by the efforts of the leader of the Young Lords, who initially in Chicago had been a gang. Cha Cha Jimenez, who was the leader of that gang, worked with a leader of the Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton, to transform this gang into a political organization.
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Denis MacShane on Europe and Coalition policies par Denis MacShane, Clifford Armion, publié le 12/12/2011
Denis MacShane was Tony Blair's Minister for Europe from 2002 until 2005 and has been a Member of Parliament for Rotherham since 1994. He answered our questions on the policies implemented by the coalition government, the rise in British euroscepticism and the role of the state in financing universities.
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An interview with John Bowen par John Bowen, Clifford Armion, publié le 19/10/2010
Dans cet entretien accordé à la Clé des langues, John Bowen évoque la spécificité française de la laïcité. Il compare le système éducatif français au modèle américain, observant ainsi les différences de deux cultures qui semblent pourtant se rejoindre dans leur crainte de l'Islam.
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