Liste des résultats
Il y a 13 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
A voice and a place of one’s own: women, knowledge and empowerment in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
par Christine Vandamme,
publié le 17/12/2023
- The article deals with women and knowledge in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847). The novel was quite revolutionary in its time for its strong assertion of female agency and self-empowerment and a keen perception of power dynamics inherent in the definition of gender and gender roles. However considering Jane Eyre through the sole prism of a novel of emancipation only dealing with women’s rights and aspirations would be reductive. Jane Eyre’s fiery narrative is a strong plea against all forms of intersectional oppression in Victorian times despite its own unconscious bias relative to ethnicity and the colonial question notably.
Literature, Sound and the Egyptian Uprising
par Jumana Bayeh,
publié le 12/01/2023
- Egypt's Arab Spring was experienced as a mediated event in two notable ways. First, in the immediate successes of Tahrir Square, Facebook was heralded as a fundamental agent of the uprising and responsible for the fall of Mubarak. Second, the failure of the 'Spring' with the election of an Islamist and a counter-revolution that saw the rise of a military dictatorship, news reports sought to make sense of the country's rapidly flailing political fortunes. Missing from both these forms of mediation are the voices of the rioters, their coordinated spontaneity and their very acts of resistance. While numerous images of the protests were captured, individual stories and lives were drowned out by the raucous cacophony of the masses. Assuming an extended view of the media terrain that recorded the uprising, this seminar seeks to recover the lost voices of Egypt's Arab Spring. It focuses on two novels by Robert Omar Hamilton and Yasmin El Rashid to drill down into how intimate stories and individual voices provide an alternative method to inform our knowledge of crowd violence. It will illustrate how narrative discourses can contribute in critical and strategic ways to reclaiming what has been lost or unheard in the seeming media decadence that characterised the uprising.
All men are created equal? Barack Obama and the American Revolution
par Steven Sarson,
publié le 28/03/2019
- Barack Obama believes that the American nation's founding documents—the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights)—have been the driving forces of American history and remain the foundations of American politics today. In this talk we will explore Obama's analyses of these documents and of their legacies since, in particular in relation to slavery, the Civil War, Jim Crow, and Civil Rights. We will look at the words of Barack Obama, as derived from his writings and speeches, and also at historical sources from the time of the American Revolution, through the Civil War, and to the Civil Rights era.
Race and the three phases of the American Revolution
par Olivier Richomme,
publié le 25/03/2019
- The American Revolution, the Civil War and Reconstruction period, along with the Civil Rights era can be seen as three phases of the same struggle for racial equality in the U.S. The Declaration of Independence established the revolutionary ideal of equality among men. This promise was not fulfilled by the Reconstruction Amendments. Some might argue that the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 the Voting Rights did not bring about true racial equality. In a sense, the American Revolution can be envisioned as a work in progress.
Insurrection, the Paris Commune, and Leaves of Grass
par Betsy Erkkilä,
publié le 15/11/2018
- Professeure invitée à l'ENS de Lyon, Betsy Erkkilä (Northwestern University) a donné une série de conférences sur Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman. Dans cette deuxième conférence, elle explore l'influence des insurrections populaires en France sur le langage démocratique utilisé dans Leaves of Grass et sur la structure des différentes éditions du recueil.
The Whitman Revolution: Why Poetry Matters
par Betsy Erkkilä,
publié le 12/11/2018
- Professeure invitée à l'ENS de Lyon, Betsy Erkkilä (Northwestern University) a donné une série de conférences sur Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman. Elle revient ici sur l'aspect révolutionnaire de la poésie de Whitman.
Ireland’s political life during the Famine: Election, constitutionalism and revolution
par Anne-Catherine de Bouvier,
publié le 07/03/2015
- This article aims at exploring the available means of political response in Ireland to the issue of the Famine. What comes first to mind is the case of the representative function, democratic, or approximately so, by the standards of the day; i. e., parliamentary activity. Compiling the records of all individual Irish MPs in Parliament over the period is a tempting intellectual task but clearly beyond the scope of this paper; instead, I approach electoral activity during the period, since elections provide the opportunity of assessment of past contributions, and of confrontation. In the specific context of the Famine, theoretically at least, Irish MPs at Westminster were instrumental in bringing about a better knowledge of what was going on – and indeed some did so in quite a sustained, articulate, and often humane manner. Conversely, elections are moments in a country’s life when voters can take their representatives to account; and clearly, there was much to account for.
“Break On Through (to the Other Side)”: An Overview of The Historiography of U.S. Conservatism in the Sixties
par Aurélie Godet,
publié le 30/04/2012
Since the 1990s, a new generation of American historians has been exploring the “other,” counter-countercultural side of the 1960s, focusing on either the higher echelons of conservative power, the work of conservative militants at the grassroots, or on the ideas of specific conservative thinkers. This article aims to review some of the existing literature, while providing insight into what a comprehensive history of the conservative sixties should also include.
Screening Identities - Danny Glover in conversation with Manthia Diawara
par Manthia Diawara, Danny Glover, Avital Ronell,
publié le 20/01/2012
- Messrs Diawara and Glover will be exploring, on a thematic and existential register, the way relations are formed and uprooted in cinema. How are relations depicted, and according to what codes of presumed compliance or revolt, desire or disgust, necessity or chance, in the encounters that are thematized in African and African-American film? What are some of the back-stories and unrecorded affinities that have enabled or disturbed the emergence of the Black cinematic art?
Virginia Heffernan - The Digital Revolution
par Virginia Heffernan,
publié le 21/02/2011
Virginia Heffernan, journaliste, tient la rubrique « The Medium », consacrée à la web culture, dans le New York Times Magazine. Dans son prochain livre, The Pleasures of the Internet, elle porte un regard d'esthète sur le web qu'elle considère comme une œuvre d'art collective, véhicule d'expériences sensorielles fortes. Son approche unique nous permet de mieux appréhender le potentiel culturel des nouvelles technologies. Ce texte a été écrit à l'occasion d'une rencontre organisée par la Villa Gillet autour de la "webculture : nouveaux modes de connaissance, nouvelles sociabilités".
Héritage de la Nouvelle Gauche Américaine des années soixante
par Frédéric Robert,
publié le 03/01/2011
La Nouvelle Gauche américaine occupa le devant de la scène politique américaine entre 1960 et 1970. D'abord adepte de la réforme stricto sensu, entre 1960 et 1965, elle dut se résoudre à s'engager dans la révolution (1965-1970), ce qui précipita sa désintégration. Malgré un passage relativement court dans le paysage politique américain, il est frappant de constater qu'elle a contribué, peu ou prou, à transformer la société américaine et qu'elle a servi d'inspiration, voire de modèle à d'autres mouvements contestataires, aussi bien américains qu'européens.
1965-1970: Nouvelle Gauche et révolution
par Frédéric Robert,
publié le 03/01/2011
Après cinq années passées à tenter de réformer la société américaine (entre 1960 et 1965) sans obtenir de véritables résultats probants, la Nouvelle Gauche américaine, particulièrement sa branche étudiante, le Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) changea radicalement de cap, renonçant ainsi à ses principes originels. Elle s'engagea ouvertement dans la révolution entre 1965 et 1970, car il s'agissait, à ses yeux, de la seule manière d'ébranler la société américaine. Malgré ce réajustement stratégique, elle ne put durer sur la scène politique américaine. L'action révolutionnaire eut raison d'elle et de ses sympathisants.
Morale et politique dans "Resistance to Civil Government" (Henry David Thoreau)
par Michel Granger ,
publié le 16/01/2008
Très connu pour avoir inspiré l'action de Gandhi et de Martin Luther King, « Résistance au gouvernement civil » (« La désobéissance civile ») entre à l'évidence dans la catégorie des essais politiques, mais Thoreau y traite de politique à sa manière, selon le point de vue d'un individualiste qui possède un certain sens de la collectivité. On n'y trouvera pas de théorie du gouvernement : l'organisation de la société et l'exercice du pouvoir passent au second plan, car tout est ramené à l'individu et à son intégrité morale. Significativement, l'opposition entre la loi et le bien est marquée de façon péremptoire dans un aphorisme mémorable : « It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. »