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Il y a 12 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Giving Voice in Mike Lew’s Teenage Dick: Disability in a Modern Rewriting of Richard III par Méline Dumot, publié le 09/10/2020
This article examines a contemporary rewriting of Shakespeare’s Richard III by Chinese-American playwright Mike Lew. In his play Teenage Dick (2018), Lew gives a new voice to Shakespeare’s well-known villain. Noticing that one of the most famous disabled characters in theatre history is rarely – if ever – performed by a disabled actor, Lew centers his play on Richard’s experience as a disabled teenager. The play questions our current vision of disability, both in the theatrical world and in our society. This article explores the ways in which Lew adapts the Shakespearean legacy to produce a new narrative and envisions the concept of accessibility in multiple ways.
The Myth of Concordia par Nadia Urbinati, publié le 23/02/2015
The place of God in the constitution has been one of the most sensitive issues in the debate on the constitutional treaty of the European Union, and has influenced the process of ratification. In the five decades since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, European leaders have tried to build a united Europe on a secular foundation of treaties and economic regulations. These no longer seem to be adequate to the task. Lately, efforts have been made to include another factor – religion...
Measure for Measure in Performance par Estelle Rivier, Delphine Lemonnier-Texier, Isabelle Schwartz-Gastine, publié le 17/02/2013
Ce dossier a été réalisé à partir des interventions de la journée d'étude "Measure for measure in performance", consacrée à l'oeuvre de William Shakespeare
Some Thoughts on Identity par Claude Arnaud, publié le 18/01/2013
It is the topic par excellence, the enigma that is impossible to solve. This puppet that we call somewhat pompously “The Self,” what is it in the end? An actor who resigns himself, around the age of thirty, to play only one role, or a born clown who struggles to understand himself, having changed so often?
Narration in the Human Mind par Siri Hustvedt, publié le 16/02/2012
"Human beings are forever explaining themselves to themselves. This is the nature of our self-consciousness. We are not only awake and aware of the world around us, but are able to reflect on ourselves as actors in that world. We reason and we tell stories. Unlike our mammalian relatives who do not narrate their own lives, we become characters in our own tales, both when we recollect ourselves in the past and imagine ourselves in the future. Our ability to represent our experience in language - in those sounds and signs of our essential intersubjectivity - allows us the necessary symbolic alienation required for mental time travel..."
The Actual Lives of Catherine Millet and Robert Storr par Catherine Millet, Robert Storr, publié le 19/01/2012
On both sides of the Atlantic, Catherine Millet and Robert Storr have played key rolesas witnesses and actorsin the transformations of the art world. Catherine Millet, author of bestsellers The Sexual Life of Catherine M and Jealousy and editor-in-chief of Art Press magazine, will join Robert Storr, former curator of MoMA and the dean of the School of Art at Yale University, to discuss their wide-ranging interests, their intermingled careers, and the current art scene.
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Financialisation and the Thatcher Governments par John Grahl, publié le 12/02/2010
This paper suggests that the role of the Thatcher governments in changing the course of economic and political development may have been exaggerated, and indeed that the role of political factors in general and "neo-liberalism" in particular is often overstated. An implication is that some current problems, interpreted as primarily political, have an economic dimension which is not fully taken into account. An example is the process of "financialisation"; this is frequently analysed in political terms although there are deep economic forces behind it.
Visions dans et sur King Lear par Estelle Rivier, publié le 18/01/2010
Ce monde où la tempête est tout autant sur scène que dans les esprits, où les falaises se créent par la parole, où le « rien » de Cordelia veut tout dire...C'est ce désordre des sens sur lequel les communications de cette journée d'étude vont se concentrer en abordant les aspects visuels, psychologiques et spectaculaires que renferme la matrice de King Lear. Il y sera question du corps en scène, des décors verbaux, de scénographie, des créations picturales inspirées de la tragédie entre autres. Autant d'approches esthétiques et de regards croisés qui devraient permettre à chacun de voir en Lear une performance artistique intense et vivante.
Musique et théâtre : la scène shakespearienne par Francis Guinle, publié le 27/11/2009
De nombreux ouvrages ont été écrits qui se penchent sur la spécificité du théâtre anglais au XVIe et au début du XVIIe siècle. D'autres, tout aussi nombreux, traitent de la musique élisabéthaine, comme "l'âge d'or" de la musique anglaise. Peu d'ouvrages, en revanche, ont pris en compte les rapports qui s'instaurent entre ces deux formes d'art. Sans vouloir refaire ici un long historique, déjà entrepris dans un travail de recherches précédent, il me faut malgré tout énoncer au moins les grandes étapes de cette collaboration entre musique et théâtre.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream ou l’art de la mise en scène par Estelle Rivier, publié le 26/11/2009
Par le biais de son intrigue secondaire, Le Songe d'une nuit d'été propose une partition de théâtre qui nous renseigne tant sur la façon de jouer à l'époque de Shakespeare que sur l'art de la scène dans sa globalité. C'est en partie pour cette raison que cette pièce, parodique, émouvante et onirique tout à la fois constitue un vivier en matière de création scénographique. Elle est aussi un gage d'originalité si l'on considère la mise en scène époustouflante de Peter Brook en 1970-71 qui a tant marqué l'histoire de la mise en scène de cette pièce qu'il est encore actuellement difficile d'innover sans que cela paraisse inadapté voire inconvenant...
The Intricacies of Onomastics in Harry Potter and its French Translation par Carole Mulliez, publié le 16/11/2009
To put it in a nutshell, here, I am going to consider two categories in the vast corpus of Rowling's proper nouns, namely character naming and place naming. I would like to show that not only do they point at one single instance but also that they are in keeping with the reference characteristics - or sometimes misleading - ; that they contain cultural echoes and plays on words; and that their sounds are also appropriate. To conclude I am going to underline how difficult it must have been for translators to find a satisfactory solution as a result.
Fiche de lecture : The Bear Boy, Cynthia Ozick par Anne Musset, publié le 07/05/2008
The story is set in the outskirts of the Bronx in 1935. Rose Meadows, orphaned at the age of 18, becomes an assistant to Professor Mitwisser, a specialist of a 9th-century heretic Jewish sect. Professor Mitwisser, his wife (a renowned physicist but now a near-madwoman) and their five children are German refugees who survive thanks to their young benefactor James A’Bair. James is heir to the fortune amassed by his father, who took him as a model for a very popular series of children’s books called The Bear Boy. James is extremely wealthy but troubled, dispossessed of his identity. He leads a nomadic life and his latest whim is to support the Mitwisser family. Rose enters into this chaotic household, which becomes even more unstable with the arrival of James. Very soon this little precarious world verges on disaster.