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Recherche multi-critères

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Il y a 6 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Architecture and/as Hospitality par Klaus Benesch, publié le 23/04/2024
Following Frank Lloyd Wright's famous aphorism, "There is no architecture without philosophy", this talk analyses the links and bridges between the fields of architecture and philosophy. Focusing specifically on architecture and hospitality, Klaus Benesch examines the importance of building in American history and outlines the central argument of his next book, Architecture and the Construction of Ideas, which explores the use of architecture by thinkers and philosophers of modernity as a metaphor for their critique of society and capitalism.
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Postcolonialism and its Discontents: Towards Polycoloniality par Saugata Bhaduri, publié le 09/03/2023
Connected to the question of nationalistic and identitarian assertions versus the other-regarding 'worlding' of literary-critical praxis is the question of the Global South – questions more specifically connected to colonialism, postcolonial discourse, and new-imperialism. To what extent can postcolonialism offer a suitable methodological toolkit for studying literature today? Conversely, what are some of the current discontents with postcolonialism, arising particularly from emerging insights into colonialism and literary production from the Global South? To answer these questions, this lecture probes into the different strands of recent critiques of postcolonialism as an adequate method of literary criticism. It also focuses on one of the primary research outputs of the current lecturer, which has been in the area of 'polycoloniality', or the multiple and productive strands of networked and mutually competitive colonial processes, which have always been multinational rather than mononational – with there being colonial efforts in South Asia, for instance, not just by the English (as is often presumed) but by the Portuguese, Dutch, French, Danish, 'Germans', etc, too. This lecture examines this further, particularly in relation to France's involvement in colonial projects in South Asia.
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‘Literary Theory’, Ideology-Critique, and Beyond par Saugata Bhaduri, publié le 11/01/2023
This first lecture focuses on recent developments in the area of Literary Theory, or to be more specific, on how ideology critique, which would have been one of the methodological mainstays of reading literature and culture under the aegis of Literary Theory, has been challenged over the last couple of decades, in the form of post-critical and post-theoretical developments, to lead to more ‘affective’ modes of dealing with literature and culture. The move, from the late 1990s, towards literary pedagogic practices being oriented more towards affect and enjoyment has been complicated, however, over the last few years with an unforeseen rise in cybernetic cultures including the social media, the global rise of sectarianism and new-fascisms, and the unforeseen pandemic situation, having ushered discursivity and narrativity, on an unprecedented scale, into regimes of fake news and post-truth. Is there a need, therefore, to revitalize ideology critique as one of the primary modes of studying literature and culture? Or, considering that ideology is itself, by definition, false consciousness, and ideological interpellation is always connected to projections of identities, and thus identity politics, is there a need for strengthening a literary critical practice that is otherwise than ideological – premised on a robust economy of Truth and an ethical outlook of being other-regarding, rather than being sectarian and identitarian?
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Discussing Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi : A conversation led by Anne-Valérie Dulac par Dulac Anne-Valérie, publié le 04/02/2019
Cette table ronde sur The Duchess of Malfi, au programme de l’agrégation d’anglais en 2019 et 2020, a clôturé le colloque "John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered" consacré à la pièce tragique et macabre de John Webster. Lors de ce colloque, fruit d’une collaboration inter-sites (ENS de Lyon et UCA), des spécialistes renommés du théâtre jacobéen ont présenté les dernières avancées de la recherche sur cette pièce qui fut un temps délaissée par la critique.
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Stevenson ou le bonheur par Alberto Manguel , publié le 18/05/2009
Dans le cadre du cycle de conférences "Ecrivains de toujours", la Bibliothèque municipale de la Part-Dieu (Lyon), invite des auteurs à venir parler des écrivains qu'ils aiment. Le 25 mars 2009, elle recevait Alberto Manguel, qui avait choisi, parmi ses multiples amours, l'écrivain écossais Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), auquel il avait consacré un roman, Stevenson sous les palmiers (Actes Sud, 2005).
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Anti-americanism par Paul Hollander , publié le 09/04/2009
Professeur émérite de sociologie à l'université du Massachusetts (Amherst) et membre du Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies de Harvard, Paul Hollander s'est distingué par ses travaux sur le communisme, la violence, les relations est-ouest et l'anti-américanisme.
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