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Il y a 10 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
“Television is more suited to tell women’s stories”: A conversation with Frances McDormand par Frances McDormand, publié le 23/03/2020
Frances McDormand, an American actress and producer, was invited to the Festival Lumière in Lyon in 2019. She gave a Masterclass in which she talked about being an actress in Hollywood, gender representation and the inclusion rider.
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Women on the Home Front in World War One par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 08/11/2013
Cette page aborde sous plusieurs angles la question de l'évolution du statut et du rôle des femmes dans la société anglaise durant et après la Première Guerre Mondiale. Une tâche est ensuite proposée aux apprenants à partir des informations présentées.
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Care: A New Way of Questioning our Societies par Joan Tronto, publié le 15/03/2013
"In the United States, care became a focus of feminist research in the early 1980s. As “second wave” feminists realized that mere formal equality was insufficient, they began to think more deeply about what was required for the genuine inclusion of women."
For another Hysterature par Emilie Notéris, publié le 17/12/2012
Since the question of women’s freedom in writing, or “Why stories of transgression or women’s assertions of freedom are less tolerated than those of men?” only highlight ordinary male chauvinism (the answer to the question is undeniably related to cultural issues), I prefer to focus on the counter strategies that can be deployed in response to the insults made to women, like the one Eileen Myles describes in her introduction to I love Dick by Chris Kraus, What about Chris?: “She’s turned female abjection inside out and aimed it at a man.” In other words, rather than identifying the reasons for the violent reception of women’s transgressive writing, I prefer to think about the strategies that can flow from them.
Not Looking for Love par Chris Kraus, publié le 17/12/2012
As women, we are often identified through our choice of sexual partners. When an “attractive” woman has sex with an ugly man, it is a descent into “abjection.” But why? Clearly, it is because as women, we are still believed to attain most of our identities through sexuality. In the present assimilationist climate, any non-monogamous, non-relational sexual act is read as a symptom of emotional damage. Our culture persists in believing that sex holds the magic key to a person’s identity — which is, of course, wrong — and in behaving as if female writers are uniquely charged with upholding the sacred intimacy of the sexual act.
Declaration of Disinclinations par Lynne Tillman, publié le 11/12/2012
I like the theoretical ideal of neutrality, of non-hierarchical thinking. I’d like to be a writer, a person, but I am not. None of this naming is my choice. I’m a woman, “still” or I’m “only a woman.” “A good, bad woman, a silly, frivolous woman, an intelligent woman, a sweet woman, a harridan, bitch, whore, a fishmonger, gossipy woman. A woman writer.” What is “a woman writer”? Does “woman” cancel or negate “writer”? Create a different form of writer? Or does “woman” as an adjective utterly change the noun “writer”? “Man writer”? Not used. “Male writer,” rarely employed. Are there “man books” being read in “man caves?” OK, I declare: I’m a woman who writes, a person who writes. But how am I read?
The Words of the Flesh par Wendy Delorme, publié le 11/12/2012
There are people who write from the place that they have been assigned. Some of them with rage so as to get away from it; others, by contrast, who follow the path that has been mapped out for us. There are those who would rather stay on the margin of that space, away from the feminine, off-centered, but are then dragged back to it, kicking and screaming. Their words are women's words, words that are situated. The masculine remains the universal reference. Feminine words stay in the realm of the singular, indexed to the gender of who said them.
Beauty Contest - Human Beauty and its Social Construction par François Chaignaud, Jon-Jon Goulian, Silke Grabinger, Gressett Salette, publié le 20/01/2012
Les arts visuels, la mode et les médias ont largement contribué à la transformation de la notion de beauté au cours des dernières générations - la beauté ayant été traditionnellement perçue comme une extension de la féminité jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle. Le féminisme et les mouvements gay, lesbien et queer ont brouillé les définitions de ce qui (et qui) est beau et ou ce qui (et qui) ne l'est pas. Les intervenants exploreront les réflexions et pratiques émancipatrices ayant contribué à révéler les structures cachées de la répression dans les domaines du genre, de la race et de l'âge, et ébranlé certains préjugés iconographiques obsolètes. Visual arts, fashion and media have strongly contributed to the transformation of the notion of beauty over the last few generations. Widely perceived of as an extension of femininity until the late 20th century, feminism and the gay, lesbian and queer movements have eroded clear definitions of who and what is beautiful - and who and what is not. French historian, dancer and choreographer François Chaignaud, American author of The Man in the Grey Flannel Skirt Jon-Jon Goulian, Austrian dancer and choreographer Silke Grabinger, and Salette Gressett, curatorial advisor for the exhibition at the Austrian Cultural Forum, will discuss how emancipatory artistic reflection and practice has fought to reveal the hidden structures of repression toward gender, race, and age and shake off antiquated visual preconceptions.
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Introduction à The God of Small Things d'Arundhati Roy par Florence Labaune-Demeule, publié le 21/03/2011
The God of Small Things, roman publié en 1997, permit à son auteur, la romancière indienne Arundhati Roy, de recevoir le Booker Prize la même année. Publié dans de nombreux pays et traduit en plus de quarante langues, ce roman a été applaudi à maintes reprises par la critique, notamment en raison de l'analyse subtile des relations humaines qui y est abordée. Comme le dit A. Roy elle-même, « The book really delves, very deep I think, into human nature. The story tells of the brutality we're capable of, but also that aching, intimate love [shared by twins]. »
Virginia Woolf : théorie de l'impropre par Frédéric Regard , publié le 27/05/2009
Dans L'Ecriture féminine en Angleterre (PUF, 2002, épuisé), Frédéric Regard met en avant le rôle charnière qu'a joué Virginia Woolf dans le positionnement du féminin en Angleterre. Nous en reproduisons ici les pages centrales, dans lesquelles l'auteur explique que Woolf, insatisfaite des avancées acquises grâce à la première génération de féministes, avait choisi de déplacer le combat sur le terrain d'un "matérialisme culturel" qu'il met à jour à travers l'analyse de deux essais de Woolf, A Room of One's Own et Three Guineas.