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Il y a 36 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Rencontre avec Thomas Chatterton Williams autour de son livre Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race (2019) par Thomas Chatterton Wiliams, publié le 24/06/2021
Des élèves de première et terminale du lycée Blaise Pascal à Charbonnières-les-Bains ont rencontré l'auteur Thomas Chatterton Williams dans le cadre du Littérature Live Festival de la Villa Gillet. Des groupes qui suivent l'enseignement de spécialité LLCER anglais et LLCER anglais monde contemporain, ainsi que des groupes de la section européenne anglais, ont pu échanger avec l'auteur autour de son livre Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race, paru en 2019.
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Not Disabled but Differently Abled: A Conversation with Vance Bergeron par Vance Bergeron, Louis Gouzerh, publié le 14/06/2021
Vance Bergeron, physicien à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, a répondu aux questions de Louis Gouzerh, ancien élève de l'Ecole et professeur d'anglais. Sport, citoyenneté, inclusion et diversité, telles sont les thématiques abordées dans l'entretien : Vance Bergeron y évoque sa recherche, l'impact qu'a eu son accident sur son travail, ainsi que l'importance du sport pour les personnes en situation de handicap.
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"Ideas don't exist, except within emotions": Interview with Joshua Cohen par Joshua Cohen, Benjamin Ferguson, publié le 20/12/2019
Joshua Cohen is an American writer and literary critic, whose first collection of essays, ATTENTION: Dispatches from a Land of Distraction (2019) explores the notion of attention in today's society. In this interview, Joshua Cohen talks about writing for a global readership, being a novelist in the age of non-fiction, the effects of #MeToo on literary production and the invention of facts.
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"Language is a movement between scattered forms": Interview with Amitava Kumar par Amitava Kumar, Natacha Lasorak, publié le 25/10/2019
Amitava Kumar is an Indian writer and journalist who teaches literature at Vassar College. In this interview, he talks about his collection of essays Away: The Indian Writer as an Expatriate (2004) and his novel Immigrant, Montana (2017), and focuses on the notion of "home", immigration, the caste system and the political situation in India.
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The Gay Liberation Front and queer rights in the UK: a conversation with Jeffrey Weeks par Jeffrey Weeks, publié le 23/05/2019
Jeffrey Weeks is a gay activist and historian specialising in the history of sexuality. His work includes Socialism and the New Life (1977) and Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (1977). He was invited at the LGBT Centre in Lyon to talk about his latest book What is sexual history (2016), which has been translated in French and published by the Presses Universitaires de Lyon. The discussion was moderated by Quentin Zimmerman.
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"The novel gives voice to individuals" : Entretien avec Jane Smiley par Jane Smiley, Jillian Bruns, publié le 09/10/2018
À l'occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman, Jane Smiley, lauréate du Prix Pulitzer 1992 pour son roman L'exploitation, a accepté de répondre aux questions de Jillian Bruns, lectrice à l'ENS de Lyon, pour la Clé des langues. Jane Smiley revient ici sur la genèse des trois romans qui constituent la trilogie The Last Hundred Years.
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"Language is power" : Entretien avec Claire Messud par Claire Messud, Jillian Bruns, publié le 25/09/2018
À l'occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman, organisées par la Villa Gillet, la Clé des langues a pu rencontrer Claire Messud, romancière et enseignante américaine, auteure de The Burning Girl, paru en 2017. Dans cet entretien, elle nous livre ses réflexions sur l'importance de la langue et du roman en tant que genre littéraire, et revient sur son enfance partagée entre la France et les États-Unis.
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Mary Creagh and Emma Reynolds (Labour MPs) on Brexit and #MeToo par Mary Creagh, Emma Reynolds, publié le 11/09/2018
Les élèves de la classe d'ECS1A du Lycée Ampère (Lyon) sont allés en juin dernier à la rencontre de deux parlementaires travaillistes, Mary Creagh et Emma Reynolds. L'échange, ici retranscrit, porte notamment sur les enjeux du Brexit ainsi que le mouvement #MeToo.
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Rencontre avec Ian McEwan autour de son roman Atonement par Ian McEwan, Vanessa Guignery, publié le 29/06/2018
Dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman, Ian McEwan est venu à l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon pour parler de son roman Atonement. Cette rencontre avec les étudiant.e.s a été organisée par Vanessa Guignery, professeur de littérature anglaise et postcoloniale à l'ENS, membre du laboratoire IHRIM, en collaboration avec la Villa Gillet.
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Rencontre avec Paul Auster et Siri Hustvedt par Paul Auster, Siri Hustvedt, Clifford Armion, publié le 13/02/2018
Le 17 janvier 2018, la Villa Gillet a permis à 9 classes de lycée de rencontrer les auteurs Paul Auster et Siri Hustvedt. Les questions portaient principalement sur les nombreux écrits de Siri Hustvedt ainsi que le dernier roman de Paul Auster, 4, 3, 2, 1.
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Rencontre avec Salman Rushdie par Salman Rushdie, Vanessa Guignery, publié le 12/06/2017
À l’occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman, Vanessa Guignery, Professeur à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, a organisé à la Villa Gillet le 30 mai 2017 une rencontre entre Salman Rushdie et des étudiants. La rencontre portait en partie sur le dernier roman de Salman Rushdie, Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, mais également sur ses autres œuvres, son métier d’écrivain et son rapport à la littérature.
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Entretien avec Zia Haider Rahman: In the Light of What We Know par Zia Haider Rahman, publié le 27/03/2017
Zia Haider Rahman, originaire du Bangladesh, écrit son premier roman, In the Light of What We Know, après une carrière sur Wall Street et auprès de l’ONU. Une plume sobre et fluide mène le lecteur du Bangladesh rural à New York et aux campements de l’ONU en Afghanistan. Les deux personnages principaux, vivant chacun des décalages culturels entre leurs origines et le monde qu’ils habitent, semblent marqués par le constat qu’un exilé pourrait finalement n’être « qu’un immigré avec une bibliothèque ». Le 26 mai 2016, à l'occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman, Zia Haider Rahman a accepté de nous parler de son roman. En résulte un entretien passionnant qui couvre des sujets aussi variés que les mathématiques, l'industrie de l'édition, le passé colonial de la Grande-Bretagne et la lutte des classes.
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Brigitte Gauthier : Les écoles de cinéma américaines par Brigitte Gauthier, publié le 08/10/2015
Professeur à l’Université d’Evry, Brigitte Gauthier dirige le laboratoire de recherche SLAM (Synergies Langues Arts Musique), l’axe SCRIPT et le Master Langues et Image. Elle nous parle de son ouvrage L'enseignement du cinéma aux Etats-Unis, dans lequel elle détaille l'historique des formations proposées par les grandes écoles de cinéma américaines, ainsi que les spécificités de leurs cultures cinématographiques.
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Présentation de Come Back Africa (Lionel Rogosin, 1959, US 82 minutes) par Monique Peyriere, publié le 05/11/2014
Après avoir réalisé un film sur les sans-abris aux Etats-Unis, Lionel Rogosin part avec une équipe de tournage en Afrique du Sud en déclarant aux autorités locales qu’il veut produire un documentaire sur la musique. Filmé clandestinement par un réalisateur américain blanc dans Sophiatown, un township noir de Johannesburg, Come Back Africa nous montre la vie des communautés noires sous l’apartheid. Entres brimades et défiance, le film de Lionel Rogosin expose les relations blancs/noirs dans l’Afrique du Sud des années 50. Les militants y jouent leur propre rôle dans un scénario de fiction qui nous invite à découvrir le ghetto au travers du regard d’un nouvel arrivant, Zacharia. Les images ont pu sortir d'Afrique du Sud pour être montées aux Etats-Unis puis diffusées dans le monde entier ; c’est un film politique, le premier à dénoncer l’Apartheid.
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American Indians - A conversation with David Treuer par David Treuer, Clifford Armion, publié le 08/09/2014
David Treuer took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his involvement in the protection of Indian culture.
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Living, Thinking, Looking - A conversation with Siri Hustvedt par Siri Hustvedt, Clifford Armion, publié le 26/08/2014
Siri Hustvedt took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She answered our questions on her collection of essays, Living, Thinking, Looking.
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The Yellow Birds - A conversation with Kevin Powers par Kevin Powers, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/06/2014
Kevin Powers took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his first novel, The Yellow Birds.
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The Last Hundred Days - A conversation with Patrick MacGuinness par Patrick MacGuinness, Clifford Armion, publié le 24/06/2014
Patrick MacGuinness took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his first novel, The Last Hundred Days.
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Remembering 9/11 - Politics of Memory par Marita Sturken, Claire Richard, publié le 31/03/2014
One of the reasons I was interested in trying to unpack the meanings of kitsch memory culture, say for instance in relationship to 9/11, is precisely the ways in which it creates this culture of comfort, that allows us to feel reassured. And that allows us to not confront the larger questions, about the project of American empire, about the project of national identity, about our priorities and our values as a nation, and about the kind of sacrifices that we have demanded on those serving in the armed forces, and all of the ways in which many families and many communities were really devastated by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...
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Susan Neiman on heroism par Susan Neiman, Clifford Armion, publié le 20/01/2014
I think we’re very confused about the subject of heroism. I began to get interested in the subject when I realised that we are actually at a historical cesure since the end of the Second World War. It used to be the case although there were many different conceptions of heroism. It used to be unquestioned that everyone wanted to be a hero, and everybody wanted to be a better hero than the next person. What has happened in the last fifty years or so is that the notion of the hero has in many ways been replaced by the notion of the victim.
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Barbie Zelizer on the power of images par Barbie Zelizer, Clifford Armion, publié le 06/01/2014
Barbie Zelizer is a Professor of Communication, and holds the Raymond Williams Chair of Communication and is Director of the Scholars Program in Culture and Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. A former journalist, Professor Zelizer's work focuses on the cultural dimensions of journalism, with a specific interest in journalistic authority, collective memory, and journalistic images in times of crisis and war. She also works on the impact of disciplinary knowledge on academic inquiry.
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Doug Saunders on migration par Doug Saunders, Clifford Armion, publié le 05/12/2013
Migration almost always follows the same pattern. It doesn’t go from one country to another country. It goes from a cluster of villages or a sub-rural region to specific urban neighbourhoods. Those urban neighbourhoods which are usually low-income, with low housing cost, serve as the bottom rung of the ladder for people arriving in a new country.
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Ragnarok - A conversation with A.S. Byatt par A.S. Byatt, Clifford Armion, publié le 03/06/2013
A.S. Byatt took part in the seventh edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She answered our questions on her latest novel, Ragnarok.
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The black community in New York, past and present par Alondra Nelson, Clifford Armion, publié le 15/01/2013
Alondra Nelson tells us about the history of the black community in New York; where they came from, where they settled and why. She also explores issues related to the urban development in Manhattan and to the gentrification of Harlem.
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Understanding the social media: an interview with Jeffrey Rosen par Jeffrey Rosen, Clifford Armion, publié le 10/01/2013
Now that we’re living most of our lives online, all of us are vulnerable to the internet. The difficulty with young people is that they may not have experienced the dangers of not being able to escape your past until it’s too late. I like to tell the story of Stacy Sneider, the young 22 year old teacher in training who posted a picture of herself on Myspace wearing a pirate’s hat and drinking from a plastic cup that said drunken pirate. Her supervisor at the school said she was promoting drinking and she was fired. She sued and was unable to get her job back and she had to pick an entirely different career. That’s a very dramatic example on how vulnerable all of us are to being judged out of context by a single image or ill chosen picture and once you do that it may be very hard to escape your past.
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Video game theory par Liel Leibovtiz, Claire Richard, publié le 05/12/2012
TV requires you to interpret, to find meaning, to reject meaning, to make up new meaning, to negociate. Video games aren’t like that. Video games require you to do something else. You turn on a video game, and immediately you exist in three separate forms : you are that self on the couch, sitting in the physical space, watching the TV, holding the remote in your hand, you are the avatar on the screen, the character which you control and manipulate, and you’re a sort of third entity, an amalgamation of the two of you, of real and unreal, person and avatar, of gamer and character.
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An interview with Helen Oyeyemi - Assises Internationales du Roman 2012 par Helen Oyeyemi, Patricia Armion, publié le 06/06/2012
Helen Oyeyemi took part in the sixth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She answered our questions on White is for Witching, a stunning Neo-Gothic novel.
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Mary Creagh on UK environmental policies par Mary Creagh, Clifford Armion, publié le 05/01/2012
Mary Creagh is the Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. She has been a Member of Parliament for Wakefield since 2005. She answered our questions on the environmental policies implemented by the coalition government and the position of Labour on energy and environment related issues.
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Denis MacShane on Europe and Coalition policies par Denis MacShane, Clifford Armion, publié le 12/12/2011
Denis MacShane was Tony Blair's Minister for Europe from 2002 until 2005 and has been a Member of Parliament for Rotherham since 1994. He answered our questions on the policies implemented by the coalition government, the rise in British euroscepticism and the role of the state in financing universities.
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An interview with Jerry Schatzberg par Jerry Schatzberg, Clifford Armion, publié le 18/10/2011
Jerry Schatzberg started his career as a photographer and made his debut as a film director with Puzzle of a Downfall Child in 1970. Three years later he won the Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix for Scarecrow with Gene Hackman and Al Pacino. He was invited by the Festival Lumière to present a restored copy of his first film and was kind enough to answer a few questions on his work as a photographer and director.
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An interview with Jonathon Porritt par Jonathon Porritt, Tom Cuthbertson, publié le 09/11/2010
Jonathon Porritt was a prominent member of the Ecology Party in the 70's and 80's. He later became Tony Blair's chief environmental adviser and was chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on sustainable economy with Yannick Jadot.
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An interview with Peter Ainsworth par Peter Ainsworth, Clifford Armion, publié le 28/09/2010
Peter Ainsworth is a former Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Environment. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on degrowth. He was kind enough to answers our questions on the energy policy of the United Kingdom.
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Marilynne Robinson - Assises Internationales du Roman 2010 par Marilynne Robinson , Kédem Ferré , publié le 14/06/2010
Marilynne Robinson was invited to the fourth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She was interviewed for La Clé des langues and read an extract from Gilead, a novel which was awarded the 2005 Pulitzer Prize.
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An interview with Beverley Naidoo par Beverley Naidoo, Clifford Armion, publié le 01/06/2010
Un entretien accordé à La Clé des langues par Beverley Naidoo suite à son déplacement dans l'académie de Rouen.
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Interview de Randall Kennedy par Randall Kennedy, Clifford Armion, publié le 01/02/2010
Lors de son passage à la Villa Gillet, en janvier 2010, Randall Kennedy s'est exprimé sur la dimension historique de la dernière élection présidentielle américaine. Cet évènement culturel s'est tenu le soir même où Barack Obama prononçait face au congrès américain le traditionnel discours sur l'état de l'union. Le lendemain, Randall Kennedy, professeur de droit à Harvard et membre du barreau de la Cour Suprème des Etats-Unis, accordait une interview à Clifford Armion, responsable de la Clé des langues.
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Interview with Will Self par Will Self , Beth Harper , David Belaga , publié le 23/06/2009
On 29th May 2009, the London-based writer Will Self came to Lyon to take part in the Villa Gillet's "Assises Internationales du Roman". He was to give a talk on his perspectives on the works of the influential French writer, Louis Ferdinand Céline, but before he did so I managed to catch up with him to ask a few questions about his interests, influences and views on modern fiction.
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