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Recherche multi-critères

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Il y a 5 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
War, Catharsis, Peace: Ancient Greek Visions and 21st Century Violence par Christine Froula, publié le 12/03/2020
This presentation brings together an American play and an American film inspired by Greek plays: Aeschylus’s Suppliants and Aristophanes’s Lysistrata. Charles Mee’s gripping drama Big Love (2000) animates the plot of The Suppliants to explore the violence of the American socio-economic sex/gender system, moving from male violence to female violence to catharsis to peace. The title of Spike Lee’s brilliant, urgent, visionary utopian film Chi-Raq (2015) names Chicago’s horrific neighborhood gang wars and America’s imperial violence in one angry word and empowers its heroine, Lysistrata, to organize the neighborhood women to seize arms, treasure and the power of language in order to stop the gang warfare that, in real life as in the film, destroys children and young men in our city every day.
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Poetry and Poetics of the Modernist Everyday in Joyce, Woolf, and Pound par Christine Froula, publié le 21/02/2020
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Roundtable on Literary Studies in the United States par Christine Froula, Sandra Gustafson, publié le 12/09/2019
Christine Froula (Northwestern University) and Sandra Gustafson (University of Notre Dame) were guest lecturers at the ENS de Lyon in May 2019 and participated in a roundtable on Literary Studies in the US today. The roundtable was moderated by Vanessa Guignery and François Specq, both Professors at the ENS.
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Insurrection, the Paris Commune, and Leaves of Grass par Betsy Erkkilä, publié le 15/11/2018
Professeure invitée à l'ENS de Lyon, Betsy Erkkilä (Northwestern University) a donné une série de conférences sur Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman. Dans cette deuxième conférence, elle explore l'influence des insurrections populaires en France sur le langage démocratique utilisé dans Leaves of Grass et sur la structure des différentes éditions du recueil.
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The Whitman Revolution: Why Poetry Matters par Betsy Erkkilä, publié le 12/11/2018
Professeure invitée à l'ENS de Lyon, Betsy Erkkilä (Northwestern University) a donné une série de conférences sur Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman. Elle revient ici sur l'aspect révolutionnaire de la poésie de Whitman.
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