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Il y a 16 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Architecture and/as Hospitality par Klaus Benesch, publié le 23/04/2024
Following Frank Lloyd Wright's famous aphorism, "There is no architecture without philosophy", this talk analyses the links and bridges between the fields of architecture and philosophy. Focusing specifically on architecture and hospitality, Klaus Benesch examines the importance of building in American history and outlines the central argument of his next book, Architecture and the Construction of Ideas, which explores the use of architecture by thinkers and philosophers of modernity as a metaphor for their critique of society and capitalism.
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The American Wilderness: an Ambivalent Image of Self-regeneration and Psychological Disintegration. From Dead Man (1995) to Into the Wild (2007). par Martin Berny, publié le 03/06/2021
This presentation deals with the wilderness motif in contemporary American literature and American cinema. Going back to the origins of this ambivalent image, it aims at explaining the underlying ideology that actively contributes to the endless process of mythogenesis of the American nation. On the individual level, it is through a journey of self-reinvention or reconstruction of the self that the wilderness appears as either a path to a metaphorical rebirth or as a dangerous place where one has to face the perils of psychological disintegration. Focusing on historical notions and topics such as Turner’s Frontier thesis, the Transcendentalist movement, or the representation of Native Americans in popular culture, this article deals with the limits of the American dream of self-transcendence. It explores works such as Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man (1995) and both Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction bestseller Into the Wild (1996) and its film adaptation directed by Sean Penn (2007).
Seeing Between the Lines: Terence Davies’s The House of Mirth and the art of adaptation par Wendy Everett, publié le 02/03/2015
Examining Terence Davies’s adaptation of Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth, this article identifies ways in which the creative interpretation of the filmmaker may serve to open up new insights into both the original text and the language of cinema itself. It considers, in particular, aspects such as music, painting, and visual metaphor in its presentation of cinema as an essentially multilayered and complex medium which requires of the spectator an imaginative and creative engagement, just as the novel requires of the reader.
"As Many Fingers as Needed": The Body as Musician and its Fetishes par Peter Szendy, publié le 19/12/2013
"To comfortably acquire, so to speak, as many fingers as needed," said one of Bach’s sons, Carl Philipp Emanuel, in his Essay on the True Art of Playing the Keyboard (1753). And these words are remarkable, as long as we are prepared to take them literally, and not hastily consider them as one of the metaphors that adorn discourse about music and on the bodies that it evokes.
Le retour dans The God of Small Things d’Arundhati Roy par Elsa Sacksick, publié le 02/05/2011
The God of Small Things, est une œuvre sous le signe du retour. Celui-ci s'inscrit dans le rapport à l'espace, au temps, dans la construction narrative et se révèle affecter la langue elle-même. Nous verrons, après avoir étudié les différentes modalités du retour en tant que réitération, que s'il prend à première vue la forme d'un ressassement, d'une régression ou d'un bégaiement, il apparaît également à l'origine d'un rythme puissant qui scande l'écriture et lui insuffle une qualité éminemment poétique.
Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece: the wound that cannot heal par Clifford Armion, publié le 17/09/2010
In Shakespeare's works, the assaults on the body and the marks they leave in the flesh constitute a complex form of language. The shape of the wound, its seriousness, its position on the body, the situation in which it was inflicted, the terms and metaphors used to describe it: all these elements contribute to its semantic load.
A.S. Byatt - Assises Internationales du Roman 2010 par A.S. Byatt , Emilie Walezac , publié le 10/06/2010
In May 2010, Antonia Susan Byatt took part in the fourth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She granted us an interview and was kind enough to read a passage form The Children's Book, her latest novel.
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Rêve américain, Rêve d’Amérique : une introduction par Morgane Jourdren , publié le 08/03/2010
« J'avoue que dans l'Amérique, j'ai vu plus que l'Amérique ». Cette célèbre formule d'Alexis de Tocqueville ne résume-t-elle pas à elle seule l'histoire d'une terre qui, dès l'aube de l'Humanité, a habité les esprits, enflammé les imaginations et délié tant la plume que les langues ? Comment définir le rêve américain ? Comment l'Amérique, au sens métaphorique du terme, se manifeste-t-elle en terre américaine et à Hollywood en particulier ?
"Come, unbutton here": Exposing "the thing itself" in Shakespeare’s King Lear par Denis Lagae-Devoldère, publié le 14/02/2010
The first definition of the verb "to expose" in the Oxford English Dictionary is "to put out", "to deprive of shelter", "to turn out of doors", formed on the original Latin exponere: in King Lear, the king is famously kicked out of his respective daughters' houses and exposed to the elements. Throughout the play, such exposure to danger goes hand in hand with the exposure of something or somebody, which the OED defines as to denounce or to lay open (to danger, to ridicule, to censure)...
Incroyable fiction : L’histoire de Pi de Yann Martel (2001), relecture contemporaine de Noé et Robinson par Anne Besson, publié le 14/12/2009
Le roman de Yann Martel, typique de la post-modernité, dont l'intrigue "surfictionnelle" mêle théologie et zoologie, exploite de façon à la fois massive et désinvolte ses références intertextuelles, et en premier lieu le parallèle avec le Noé biblique, dans un hymne à la fiction et à la foi ne faisant qu'une, à la croyance et au déguisement métaphorique du réel comme enchantement de l'existence.
Observation, affect et point de vue : la mise en mots d'un naturaliste par Aliyah Morgenstern , publié le 15/06/2009
Cet article propose une exploration linguistique originale du "Journal of Researches" publié par Darwin au retour de son expédition sur le Beagle. Aliyah Morgenstern y met en avant les stratégies discursives déployées par Darwin pour, d'une part, mettre en mots l'inconnu auquel il avait été confronté au cours de son voyage et, d'autre part, éviter la controverse au moment d'émettre les premières hypothèses issues de ses observations.
The “obstinate resistance” of Woolf’s short stories par Christine Reynier, publié le 31/03/2009
I have often wondered why, although I have regularly gone back to Virginia Woolf's short stories, I still feel I do not know them very well. This is of course no other than the secret charm of Woolf's short stories: they are so hermetic or puzzling that one cannot help re-reading them; they are so varied that one keeps forgetting them; they are so challenging that one feels bound to delve into them again and again. They offer the "obstinate resistance" (Woolf 1988: 158) of the text that Woolf loves in Sir Thomas Browne's writings and that she analyses in her essay "Reading". The military metaphor of resistance might suggest that once the fortress of the text has been assaulted, it will surrender to the reader. However, the author makes it clear that such is not the case.
Across the ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’: Jean Rhys’s Revision of Charlotte Brontë’s Eurocentric Gothic par Sylvie Maurel, publié le 20/03/2008
In this article, Sylvie Maurel analyses the Gothic destabilizing machinery at work in Jean Rhys’s "Wide Sargasso Sea". The first Gothic element the author looks at is the demonic agency that haunts the novel. Colonial history lingers in Rhys’s world and accounts for some of the strange and unexpected phenomena that occur on the island. Actually, the narrative is under the double influence of a past set in an actual history of slavery and a future already written in the story of "Jane Eyre". Rhys’s characters have an uncanny prescience of what lies ahead and a sense that they cannot evade repetition. The motif of witchcraft is another element that links "WSS" to the Gothic. The motif goes beyond a picturesque reference to the West Indian context and functions as a metaphor of the relationship between language and power. Christophine’s witchcraft and Rochester’s Eurocentric discourse are two similar attempts at transforming the world through language. The power of language is also reflected in the way the novel constantly brings together multiple voices and conflicting views which seem to hide a secret rather than reveal a final truth. Rochester can only feel the presence of such a secret and risks delirium as he tries to get a grip on something that constantly eludes him.
Ré-adaptation et création dans le mythe de Frankenstein par Laurent Mellet, publié le 10/01/2008
Un article en cours de publication aux Presses Universitaires de Rennes, dans les Actes du colloque "De la page blanche aux salles obscures : l'adaptation cinématographique dans le monde anglophone", sous le titre "Ré-adaptation et création dans le mythe de Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, James Whale, Kenneth Branagh)".
Jean Rhys ou la revenance : Wide Sargasso Sea par Frédéric Regard, publié le 20/09/2007
Cet article est un chapitre extrait de "L'Ecriture féminine en Angleterre", de Frédéric Regard, publié aux Presses Universitaires de France (2002) dans la collection "Perspectives anglo-saxonnes".
Folie et fantastique dans "Frankenstein" par Jean-Jacques Lecercle, publié le 24/04/2007
Article originalement publié sous le titre : "'A melancholy that resembled madness" : Folie et fantastique dans Frankenstein", dans Autour de Frankenstein - Lectures critiques, pp. 109-122 aux Cahiers FORELL, Université de Poitiers. Nous remercions l'auteur et les Cahiers FORELL qui nous ont autorisés à reproduire cet article sur ce site.